While doing research on the utica I have discovered the Trenton limestone that is below the utica. This was the most important oil bearing formation at one time in Ohio and actually started the oil industry in the 1800s. My question is: what is the future potential of the trenton limestone using horizontal drilling? We should be looking into this as a possible new source of income from leasing and royalties.

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I'm doing something wrong...ill keep playing with it.
What does western Tuscarawas look like? Thanks in advance.

Jodi, I researched those fields for a client some years ago (pre-Utica boom) and found them to be interesting but ultimately a little too spotty for production to ramp up just yet.  There needs to be some serious seismic work done to delineate where the bright spots will be.  That said there's certainly potential there...but where exactly is a little fuzzy right now.

Too deep. There can't be any oil in it.


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