Trying to determine value of selling mineral rights in Potter County, PA. Need assistance of someone knowing area fair market value.

My mother owns the mineral rights on 174 acres in Potter County, PA.  She's been approached by a company wanting to buy the rights, not lease.  She's been offered a per acre $ amount but I'm helping her determine fair market value.  She's not greedy but I don't want to see her taken advantage of.  Anyone with knowledge of fair market value in that area please comment and we can talk off-line if necessary.

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I'm in Bradford County and do not know the market over in Potter County.  But I know who does, and he posts here from time to time.  The man's name is Jack Young.  Mr. Young is very, very knowledgeable about Potter County drilling.

If you've not already done so, I suggest you post your question also over on the Potter County board.  I have seen posts from Mr. Young there.  There might even be an answer to your question on that board (dunno).

I'd be happy to help. My first question is which townshp is the property located in. That's going to make the job much easier. Potter County is very diverse as regards its geologic potential.

Hello Jack, what are your thoughts on leasing property in Sweden Township?  You probably already know JKLM has permits there.  We've been approached. It seems with the recent announcement from Shell re Utica success in Tioga, that it may spark a new boom in our area?  


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