Last week on CNBC's Mad Money, Jim Cramer had on the CEO of Halcon, Floyd Wilson, and they discussed two new shale plays that have huge potential. Cramer explained that Halcon was still building its lease hold in the two plays and was keeping it quiet for now.The next night, Cramer had on the CEO of a business that does core sample analysis for several O & G companies, Core Business I think it was. He also said he knew of the two new shale plays yet to be announced but is sworn to secrecy.

That means that there are two areas where landowners don;t know just what potential they have and Halcon is leasing them up at bargain rates. They also don't want other companies to compete in these areas and drive up prices.

Any idea where these are? What undiscovered shales could this be?  I'm gonna guess that southern Illinois and Indiana is one of them but thats just a guess.

And if these two plays are big enough, how would that affect Ohio and Pa Utica/Marcellus? Would it draw away attention and money?

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So we all know about the ODNR Utica Shale maps last updated in March 2013.  

Two questions:

1) Any idea if ODNR will update those maps again next month based on new data points?

2) Are there any maps out there showing the extent or other characteristics (depth, thickness etc) of formations like the TBR et al?

They could be drilling the Trenton right now and nobody would know. The lower PP and the Upper Trenton intermingle at the intersection I believe. Geologist please chime in if I'm incorrect. My daughters lease language on depths reads " top of the Utica to the base of the PP with a 100' buffer zone into the Trenton Limestone"
Catt, that's interesting. I know some of the big guys have had some surprises when their verticals went into the naturally fractured Trenton.

The Trenton was apparently one of the targets of a Bp test well.  Morrison in Trumbull - listed as producing now.

"My guess is that we will need all natural gas that can be produced. First chemical plants are moving back to the U.S. from overseas. Then there is the continuing conversion of power plants, along with vehicles and other forms of transportation. There is also the extension of distribution lines to the east coats etc."

I've seen this movie before. It doesn't end well.


Please excuse my ignorance but can you elaborate on this?

Is anyone aware of which Ohio Counties are both true Marcellus and Utica Plays? I've heard differing accounts on this and would really like a more definite assessment.


Monroe County will be one for both Utica and Marcellus wells from the same pad. Consol Energy is going to drill a well in Switzerland Township this year that will be utica/marcellus from same pad. I believe the Stalder well by Magnum Hunter is both utica/marcellus from same pad as well in Monroe County.


Just looked at Magnum Hunter presentation. Planning another Utica and Marcellus in Washington County Ohio (Farley pad).

I was also told that stat oil will be drilling into the utica from the dangel and isenbarth pad. Both of these pads are right down the road from the stalder unit

Happening all over Western PA. Believe it or not , the Utica isn't the only viable play. Not by a longshot.

Agreed Trapper. I recently received some info that a company from Michigan has leased some acreage to try a Horizontal Roserun well south of Columbus. Yea..... where the Buckeyes play football and the state capital. There was a Horizontal(262') Roserun drilled on the leasehold in the mid 1990's. IP rate was 85 barrel/day. Very interesting developments. I bet a 3d steered bit into the roserun may make Mauk change the name of this site.
Are you aware of any in Wash. Co, PA ?


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