I am working on bringing our discussions to the ether of the internet.

The format will be a talk program where people from GMS can call in and discuss issues we see on GMS. You will be able to call in and discuss your favorite issue.

This will give us an opportunity to flesh out, in real time, the discussions we see on GMS.

We would also invite guests, and have them available for questions.

I thought initially we would do this once a week to gauge the interest level. We will have 2 or 3 hours of time.

What I need to know is if this is of interest to you and what night of the week works. Plus what time, I'm thinking 9 or 10 in the evening.

Please let me know your thoughts.


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Thanks for the support.

Perhaps you will grace us with your presence on the program ????

Need some suggestions for format, subjects etc.


Since more than 275,000 gas or oil wells have been drilled in Ohio over time, I'm sure that land owners whose land is HBP are in the majority. In addition, threads related to old leases seem to get some of the higher number of replies on GMS. Therefore, I would suggest that one of the first topics to be discussed would be the experience of land owners who have been asked to amend their leases to be placed in a larger drilling unit. Have any been successful in renegotiating their lease for a higher royalty, for any kind of a signing bonus, for a free gas voucher?

I am suspicious that anyone that has been successful has had to take a vow of secrecy but it sure would be interesting to know.


Good suggestion.

I am not suspicious of non disclosure agreement. They work for both sides.

For example the family that sued Range Resources claiming all manner of illness suffered by their children. Both sides settled and bot were subject to a non disclosure. But a newspaper was able to have court documents unsealed. In those documents was an admission by the family that there were no illnesses.

So why would a company agree to settlements if they are not wrong ? It's cheaper. The legal fees would be many times higher than the settlement.

The attorneys that represent many of those suing companies know this. It's called extortion.

Look, I'm no apologist for the industry, but I do know the truth.


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