Another good article from the on how far west the Utica may stretch. 

But when will the landmen come knocking?  What oil company is out there drilling?

Geologists used information from wells drilled this past year, as well as core samplings and cuttings from test wells. The samples measure the total organic carbon in the rock. Measurements indicate how much oil and natural gas might be found.

Companies have volunteered the information to ODNR, spokesman Matt Eiselstein said. This year, the state has more information from samples collected in western counties.

Those samples have “more or less brought that into clearer focus,” Eiselstein said of the western counties.

The Utica shale is a source rock for oil and natural gas, said Pete MacKenzie, a geologist and vice president of operations for the Ohio Oil & Gas Association. Oil and gas moves from the shale and collects in other rock formations. During the past 10 years, however, companies have started drilling shale to extract hydrocarbons.

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Then why plug it.  Try to sell it intacked, to at least recope some of their investment, to a smaller company.  By definition the small company is not going to have the capital to redrill it.  Am I missing something??

Devon closed their Houston office because the Utica venture didn't make them enough money.  But I suppose displacing loyal workers and spending a fortune to relocate them was all part of their vast conspiracy. should do all of their accounting.  You seem totally qualified.

why would they use this map to sell there acreage wells in ashland and medina are in the immature. kind of like selling a house and saying its nice but on the wrong side of the tracks,

We've been wondering the same thing.

whos we. you and joe corado. is the knox well mentioned by larry. plugged or capped.

I meant the editorial we, as in "those of us who follow this".

IMHO, if the State of Ohio required the O&G companies to report production and or core samples at least every six months perhaps these maps would be more useful and accurate.  The mentality and methodology of the shallow well era needs to end.    It is the computer age and analysis and representation can be done much more frequently than once per year.

"too immature to produce" sort of voids that as a realistic expectation.

Is Coshocton county in the farther west part. Any word on the Anadarko well or the Devon well in Coshocton county.

Long time reader but first time at posting. I live in Adams Twp. Worked  in the oil field over 25 years ago. Know there were some really good Roserun wells in this area. Is the Utica the source rock for the Roserun or the Clinton.

Always enjoy reading your posts Jodi,very informative stuff.

The short answer is we don't know.  Get five geologists in a room and you'll get five different opinions.  The Rose Run has historically been a prolific gas producer, but there are plenty of examples of oil too.  So that makes it pretty hard to make a definitive statement.  The reason shale plays "work" is because the shale is a cap rock that keeps the hydrocarbons from migrating.  In addition to that factor you need natural fracturing to exist in order to get anything out.  Devon's Ashland misadventure tells us that a normally pressurized system coupled with heavy oil equals no real production.  But permeability was good, so natural fracturing seems like it could be present.  The truth--the one that everyone is dying to ignore--is that these plays are not delineated until there are hundreds of wells drilled.  The problem is that the E&P business is just that, a business.  You don't drill 10 wells in one area if there is no infrastructure for take away and your first few results are bad.  If your results are great (think CHK in Carroll County) then the midstream operators flood into the market and solve your pipeline issues.  

I'm in Mahoning County and we are seeing very little activity.  CNX has drilled a few wells and CHK drilled one total bust--due we think to a poor understanding of the reservoir--and the pace slowed.  It doesn't mean our area is bad, it just means companies will drill where they have a better idea of what they're going to get.  Hilcorp holds the entire eastern part of our county and they're drilling and putting in pipeline as we speak.  If they had 1,000,000 acres like CHK maybe they'd be drilling further south.  


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