Most of us may now be able to obtain good leases with the highest terms to date money-wise. If you are not yet aware, read on. You can be part of the latest lease agreements and get the top dollar lease deal with landowner friendly terms. HOWEVER>>>

This has brought out the worst in some "business people", who are now contacting landowners by phone and in person, telling them to "sign this agreement with me and I can get you much more than those groups....". What they want you to sign is an EXCLUSIVE agreement which would allow them to negotiate for you (the sky is the limit) BUT YOU WOULD END UP PAYING THIS PERSON A LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY FOR NOTHING.

Due to the very recent Friendsville Group lease offer with Fortuna, and yesterday's Wyoming County Group lease deal with Chesapeake, both of which are for MORE THAN FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS PER ACRE up-front bonus plus 20% royalties, etc and should be landowner friendly leases, there are now reports of unsavory characters trying to trick landowners into signing paperwork that would be VERY BAD for the landowner.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW, especially those who are not internet savvy, or are on their own and have no one to help them.

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