Some time ago, it was mentioned that drilling would begin in early 2012 in Belmont County. I was wondering if anyone has heard anything more about when drilling will begin and do they contact you when that will happen?

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Hello Linda,

  This will be a somewhat lengthy answer to your short question. The best info is available on the ODNR (Ohio Department of Natural Resources) website. Drilling permits need to be filed first at the Belmont County Engineer's Office, then approved by ODNR. Info about both are available at the ODNR website. Sequential instructions are as follows:

1. Google ODNR

2. Click on "Oil & Gas, Ohio Department of Natural Resources"

3.Click the link that says "Oil & Gas Well Search"

4. Click on "Oil & Gas Well Data Base"


Now things get a bit more complicated:

5. Click the + next to "1. menu"

6. Click "County Engineer", a fill-in list will appear. Suggest only filling in the first two lines:

7. Line 1: Suggest filling in ">12/1/11"  This will provide permits submitted after 12/1/11, which is a good indicator of wells which will be drilled in 2012. Actually, you can choose any date.

8. Line 2: County: Obviously, select Belmont

9. Don't bother filling in the rest of the lines; If you hit "enter", you will get the well permits submitted to Belmont County Engineer's office after 12/1/2011

10. Go back to Step 6 and click "Permit & Plug list" . Select "Permit". Repeat steps 7-9.

11. This will give you the permits approved by ODNR for Belmont County.

Linda, I went through this process this morning and found XTO wells (Exxon-Mobil) and Gulfport wells that have been permitted for Utica. Gulfport wells have not yet been approved by ODNR, therefore only appear on the "County Engineer's" list. Ignore Oxford wells, as they are all "shallow". Finally, if you cruise the ODNR website, you will find a summary spreadsheet of all Utica wells permitted in Ohio and a status of each. Only a few in Belmont County to date.

 Can't answer your question about "Do they advise you", as no drilling apps have been submitted for my property.

ODNR does a great job of keeping this data up to date. Good luck!


Thank you Bluflame for the information. I have tried getting that information but have not been successful yet.

You are welcome, Linda. If you keep having difficulty, friend me and I'll call you and walk you through the process. It's easy once you've done it a few times, but ODNR in prototypical govt fashion, has made the process needlessly complicated.



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