Kasich Signs Drilling Rules

But industry says that doesn’t end the debate over taxes

June 12, 2012
The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register
Everybody is busy watching radical left wing activists and mean while Kasich is sticking his hand in the pie again.  I don't care what color your jacket is, keep your hands out of other peoples pies!   http://www.theintelligencer.net/page/content.detail/id/570877.html

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News for kasich severance tax

Columbus Dispatch
  1. Tea party group targets Kasich plan
    Columbus Dispatch‎ - 9 hours ago
    “Should you be opposed to the Kasich severance tax plan, ATR fully supports your decision to vote your conscience and sign the no severance ...

Any revenue increase (like a new severance tax on gas and oil resources), will be paid from the value of the developed resource.

Developers will do what it takes to protect their profits - including paying less royalty percentage to the landowner and increasing the sell price of the developed resource.

A tax increase will mean a double barreled opportunity for developers to both pay less and charge more all at the expense of 1st the resource / landowner and then their clients who in turn will pass along the increased expense to their customers.

No to any new taxes.

Stop the Ohio Severance Tax Increase!

Download the Pledge and have your Ohio State Representative and Senator sign it to show they will not increase taxes on small business owners in the state of Ohio.



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