Wefler well on Sykes ridge ,,, anyone know what's the status. The rig is now gone...I'm assuming the drilling is done... But no activity over there or people working for about 2 weeks or more..all is quiet agian

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Make sure division orders get reviewed by attorney

The plat of well pad should give a good idea if you are in. This is from odnr website


This doesn't look like 640 acres?
So...don't know if real accurate...neighbor said the well on Sykes ridge had so much gas underneath they can't continue fracking. They have to drill another well beside it....was wondering what all the new equipment up there was all about...can anybody with accurate info chime in.....oil company won't release info that's for sure....we are still waiting on div orders...

Good to hear Pat that at least we  are getting the same info that there's a large pool of gas underneath. The gentleman I spoke with (who is intimately involved in the drilling process) said nothing about drilling another well. He stated that the fracking was done and they were waiting for the production equipment to arrive and hoping production would start in December or January with checks to follow in the three months. He did say that plugs would have to be taken out which has do to be done before production occurs.

All of my drilling relatives (who are now pretty advanced in age) say these current methods are pretty advanced and they aren't familiar with all of this hi tech drilling. I have no idea how many wells or well heads are being drilled and fracked on Sykes Ridge. I suppose the oil companies keep all of this info close  to their vest until they release division orders. The Ohio ODNR gas and oil website isn't the easiest thing to navigate, so if I don't find any more info, I might make a trip over there and see if I can find out. Maybe someone out there could help us out with what's going on and what we can expect? Thanks in advance for any help!

Thanks old school driller for your info please keep me updated... You seem to be in touch with the right people


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