I have a shade under 400 acres in Coshocton County(washington and bedford twsp)and wondering how far west drilling companies will be able to produce. I was by the Enervest site in Muskingum County yesterday and the pad is being constructed. That well is 10 miles SE of my land. I have had dozens of offers to lease, but I really wasn't interested, but now as my time hear is on the downside of things I thought I just might want to make my Grandkids very happy someday. I am new to this so please bear with me. I've seen all the different maps. I just would like a lot of different opinions and maybe I can start to put a grasp on all this. I have been to some of the land group meeting and Im not interested. Too many lawyers for me.
Thank You

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I have some land in Bedford Twp Coshocton as well. I am optimistic, but its hard to say if the area will be lucrative at this time. We will have a better idea once results from the surrounding wells in Knox, Coshocton and Muskingum County come in. Its a waiting game at this point.

Tom, I think it is only a matter of time before things heat up in coshocton county.  I think when results are announced for the Mill Creek well along with the wells that are close neighbors to Coshocton county (Troyer and Beachy in Tusc, RHDK in Guernsey, etc.) then we will all have a better idea of what to expect.  I understand you not wanting to join a landowner's group - they are not for everyone.  But you should consider getting an experienced oil and gas attorney involved at some point.  The Oil and Gas companies have hoards of attorneys preparing their leases.  A few seemingly harmless words in a lease can have a profound impact on potential income and potential problems with how your land is used.  Good luck and I hope your family prospers from your efforts!

I drove by where the Enervest well in Muskingum County (Consolidated Coal Unit 2-H) is permitted but there was no pad being constructed. Where is the site you saw located?

I think that is the "Consol CR 718" well which is a verticle well in the Ohio Shale. The "Consolidated Coal Unit 2-H" which is permitted as a horizontal well in the Point Pleasant is shown on Black Snake Lane in the Tri-Valley Wilderness area. There is no activity at that location.

Thomas, I have to agree with Utica Shale.  You will be robbing your grandchildren to pay an O&G company if you simply accept the terms in their standard lease.  Do yourself and the grandkids a favor and get proper legal representation.  Granted, we all dislike them, but we still need them for negotiations like this because the other side has them already.

Thank you all for the comments. I have talked, thanks to you all, to a lawyer out of Columbus.(Emens)
Jodi, has Devon left the site? Done?
Just curious, a question to all, how long does it take to complete the flow back? A local driller here said Devon was still doing flow back as of today. He said it could take a long time.
Again Thank You all!
Not sure. I went to one at Tri Valley High School and one put on by a bunch of Lawyers from Zanesville. Emens commented that most activity is 30 miles east of me right now. He said be patient. The Devon well in Knox will tell a lot. I have a close acquaintance in the business that has a different view of that well than what I'm hearing on here. He also said that he's not sure why they are after the Utica. The Black River is where they are gonna make the money. Let me know when that non profit group meets again. I may try to go or send my grandson. Again, Thank You All.

Thomas,  Dick Emens is associated with the Coshocton County Landowners group.  They just met on Wednesday.  I didn't mention it because you wrote that you didn't like landowner groups.  they are headed up by Larry and Todd Endsley.  I think it is a good group and has provided a lot of info to us landowners.  The group has about 20,000 acres signed up and are still accepting some larger parcels or parcels adjacent to current members of the group.  I would encourage you to talk to them if you haven't already.  (Full Disclosure: I am a landowner member in the group only.  I would not benefit monetarily if you join.  I am just trying to pass along some info to a fellow landowner.)  Good Luck. 

Hello All, I missed the meeting at TV. Anything I missed? Any updates on the Devon wells?


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