I was just curious what the worst case and best case scenario would be if Clinton wins the white house? What a night mare that would be.... Please everybody get out and vote and campaign hard for whoever the conservative candidate might be. Any body but that old woman Clinton! She's a tired old bitty.... If she gets in there it will be the end of our country as we know it....

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What would happen ?

My guess an Exec. Order to halt Hydraulic Fracturing to start.

What would happen next I wonder ?

Maybe more Waterless Fracturing ?

Anybody have any ideas ?


Yes, here is an idea. The government should stay out of the business of picking winners and losers in the economy.

Fossil fuels are the life blood of our economy. Government interference promoting alternative energy sources is wrong. Let the market decide.

Yes, and the beginning of the end of fossil fuels was when Reagan was in office. 

and Reagan allowed the leader of the Communist world.. to come into the USA and

preach.."socialism" at all of the Universities.... Mikhail Gorbechev...   :(

Everyone makes mistakes....at least he kept his pants on in the oval office....now that pig's wife said she'd roll him out of retirement if she is elected....ANOTHER reason to vote chump


Ronald Reagan didn't make a mistake. It is Mike making a misjudgement.


BTW, it's spelled Gobachev (American spelling).

First: perhaps you have forgotten that initially Mr. Gorbachev's remarks were made at the UN. We have no control over speech at the UN.

Second:it appears that you have forgotten about our Constitution, and the First (most important) Amendment; which grants (in part) freedom of speech.

The subsequent remarks made by Mr. Gorbachev were made at private venues which are protected under our Constitution as are speakers they wish to entertain.

I find it interesting that you attack one of our greatest Presidents, but have no mention, or criticism for YOUR leftitst President Barak Hussein Obama. During his tenure he has allowed all manner of anti-American scum to enter this country and rant and rave against our American way of life. But of course that's ok with you. Right?

Just sayin...

Oil and gas exploration and development, as we know it, is over, put a fork in it, it's toast. Production of oil and natural gas will be severely affected.

HilLIARy has stated on several occasions that the use of hydraulic fracturing is over.

Theses statements are similar to the statements of candidate Barak Obama about the coal industry; and he has made good. He is destroying the coal industry. There is no reason to believe that HilLIARy won't make good on her statements and destroy oil and gas exploration, development and production.

It really doesn't matter if you like the eventual Republican nominee. All you need to know is that the nominee supports our oil and gas industry and that HilLIARy does not.

The supply of abundant, inexpensive fossil fuels has been a cornerstone of the might of our economy, which has allowed our way of life to become the gold standard of the world.

Quite simply, HilLIARy does not believe in our society and intends to continue the destruction of our society begun by Barak Obama.

It's a simple choice, vote to save our American way of life (Republican) or vote to destroy it (Democrat)

But, in many ways, aren't even the empowered Reps. working to most effectively change our 'way of life' (most noticeably to me and mine at any rate, in way of attacking / assaulting and diminishing / deteriorating rights of private ownership) ? ?

Have you not read along with me and many others here on these pages the many complaints of abuse / trespass made by private lessors / land / mineral owners ? ? Personally me and mine have picked up on that drift so to speak.

That seems to us to be applying great pressure on and (at least) taking / making huge strides toward changing our way of life would't you agree ? ?

Those on the conservative side are not trying to take away our gun rights and the freedom of speech we  hold so dear. The liberals, (Democrats) are for the "New World Order"... A one world government. It goes deep but the Government elites are planning how they can do this with out setting off an alarm and starting civil unrest here in our country. Obama has started the ball rolling and Hilliary will push it faster. Hillary will appoint a very liberal Supreme Court Justice to replace the conservative that died, (A. Scalia) which will tip the scales in the favor of the Liberals agenda and it will be the end of our country as we know it. Obama has cut our military down to pre wwII levels and sign so many executive orders limiting  other rights. And now they want to let transgender males use the girls restrooms for the sake of "Political Correctness"!! I'm sure Hilliary will sign that into the law of the land with a EO. Our nation is more vulnerable to attack today than it was 7 years ago. Our enemies are here and waiting for their orders it's as simple as that.... Don't vote Democrat! Vote conservative! At least that will slow down the process of destruction of our way of life. Campaign for who ever gets the Republican nomination!    

Respectfully, it is not the genuinely transgender males who are problems in ladies' rooms. People suffering from a "woman in a man's body" dilemma, who have addressed their problem, do not threaten anyone. Instead:

The problem comes from NON-transgender predator men who, seizing upon the new bathroom rules, will falsely claim transgender status as excuse to enter ladies' rooms and do bad deeds. And there is no way to stop these people under the new rules. How do police distinguish between genuinely transgender men using a ladies' room innocently and no threat to anyone, and non-transgender predator men in there and up to no good, while pretending to be transgender so as to be shielded from arrest or prosecution?


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