I was just curious what the worst case and best case scenario would be if Clinton wins the white house? What a night mare that would be.... Please everybody get out and vote and campaign hard for whoever the conservative candidate might be. Any body but that old woman Clinton! She's a tired old bitty.... If she gets in there it will be the end of our country as we know it....

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AMEN BROTHER! Make it known to as many voters as possible! Campaign for the Donald! He is our best person for the job! I still can't believe she had the nerve to visit West Virginia and lie the coal miners there. Bernie will be just as bad or worse if he gets in there... I still say prayer is what we need.  

B. Hussein Obama is perhaps the most successful, surely one of the most successful, Presidents in American history.  Regrettably, Obama from the start defined success as altering radically the existing trajectory of American greatness.  Obama's early third world living experiences greatly influenced him.  He has never seen a reason Americans should enjoy better living circumstances than those experienced in the third world.  Thus, for Obama, throwing open American borders for the less fortunate is "only fair" and it is "just desserts" for privileged and undeserving white Americans and, frankly, genuine black Americans, too.

That portion of Obama which is black is not American.  That portion of Obama which is American is not black.


Well said.

Unfortunately, this years Democrat nominee, HilLIARy, is American. But, she is anti-American; including anti-oil and gas positions.

It's about time our elected officials think of Americans first when they act. One would think this would be obvious, but it is not for one simple reason, special interests have bought out our government from beneath our feet. Our budget goes unbalanced because it serves the ESTABLISHMENT and their donors. Make no mistake Hillary Clinton is the face of the ESTABLISHMENT and is why ESTABLISHMENT republicans have no problem supporting her over Trump. The notion that Trump is not "conservative" enough is a red herring at best, and the negatives are a creation of the ESTABLISHMENT with their incessant negative ad campaign against Trump. Trump is the candidate that will wreck havoc with their system of corruption and free America from the bondage of special interests. There are 2 voters this election cycle: those that put America first, and those that are ashamed to do so...


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