I was just curious what the worst case and best case scenario would be if Clinton wins the white house? What a night mare that would be.... Please everybody get out and vote and campaign hard for whoever the conservative candidate might be. Any body but that old woman Clinton! She's a tired old bitty.... If she gets in there it will be the end of our country as we know it....

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You are not worth my time. I will not respond to any more of your insults. 

Sandy, you are obviously misinformed and misguided.... Do your home work... I bet you neglected to do it when you were in school too....lol


Sandy is a HilLIARy troll. She (if it is a she) is gone. The logic posted here has sent "it" packing.

I love how these trolls always use the names of women. About a month ago it was Suzanne.

In reality these trolls are big fat, sweaty guys sitting in their mother's basement in their dirty underwear.

Even though I know ( and apparently so do you) that these trolls are completely wrong, I respond because so many people only read this site. We need to expose the misinformation spread by the trolls.

I like your way of thinking Barry.D. Yep. People need to know the truth. I like the word 'Troll' to describe these people. It reminds me of the ones that used to hide under a bridge and try to scare the little kids that crossed.... What I like about the Donald is that he will owe no one any favors unlike Clinton who takes money from some Arab countries for the Clinton foundation. I just wonder what the Arabs expect her to do for them when she has the power? Do you think it has something to do with fracking...? Donald Trump will be the best thing to happen to this country since Ronald Reagan. Just watch how fast he deals with ISIS and Iran when he wins the General Election in the fall. He will blow Clinton out of the water because he will expose her for the crook and liar she really is...

Bernie owes no one but the voters. He has raised millions from an average contribution of $27. He is consistent, knows how to handle the Senate, truly cares about people, and is the most healthy and energetic 74 year old I've ever known. Unlike Cruz who thinks campaigning is hard (What does he think the presidency would be like?) At least when Bernie speaks his mind, it's not to put people down -- unlike the people on this list. Again, name-calling. Can't you people use reason? Do you know what that term means?

No, Sandy is not a Hillary troll! I live in New Castle, I'm 68 and I just got back from voting -- for Bernie! Oh, and I'm definitely female - always have been. 

I'm also a legitimate member of this list and own 20 acres that have been leased for gas rights, with no drilling in sight  Check me out -- my full name is shown.

Did my homework without procrastinating, got straight A's and went on to college and earned my bachelors degree. All (even long-term) assignments were started as soon as I got home from school. When others were pulling all-nighters to do the work they should have done in the previous weeks, I was relaxing knowing that mine was a finished, quality piece of work. 

Kiss it goodbye....and watch them nationalize ALL natural resources including minerals...your royalty checks will help pay the bills and put some more lazy fat people on food stamps and give em free cell phones....good luck

The majority of people on welfare and food stamps have full time jobs these days. Can you live on $7.50 an hour? Or even $15 if both spouses work? And no, there is not the corruption in the system that many people seem to think there is. Sure there are some people who get on welfare and stay there. There are people having tons of kids and don't work. But there are also plenty of people who lost their jobs and have had to take low paying ones just to help put food on the table. I worked full time at a time that required a bachelors degree. (No, I wasn't a social worker). But the pay there started at just above the minimum wage, and didn't go up very fast from that despite working more than 40 hours a week most weeks (sometimes more than 60). No, we weren't on welfare or food stamps because luckily, my husband had a good paying job -- though he wasn't earning what he would have if Reaganomics hadn't removed govenment funding from coal gasification. People laud FDR for the New Deal. Well, Bernie is following in his footsteps. 

Can I get some of whatever you're smoking?

So, Danny, what isyour last name? I'm completely open about who I am


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