I was just curious what the worst case and best case scenario would be if Clinton wins the white house? What a night mare that would be.... Please everybody get out and vote and campaign hard for whoever the conservative candidate might be. Any body but that old woman Clinton! She's a tired old bitty.... If she gets in there it will be the end of our country as we know it....

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Take a pill willie and relax....stupid is as stupid does....or SAYS

BTW lance,

Great post. It has started some "real" discussion about "real" issues.

PLus as an added feature we have been able to expose the lies and misinformation of a leftist "Troll".

Thanks Barry D. People need to hear the truth and consider different opinions. There maybe be people out there who just don't know the details and that's why they are so far off to the left. They are only exposed to one side of a liberal story and have been brain washed to the leftist ideology. I like to watch both conservative and liberal news channels so I can see both sides of the issues. Then I can form my opinions with a more accurate understanding. I lean toward the conservative side because for the most part conservatives are pro God, pro life, pro Israel, pro fossil fuels, pro small businesses, we believe in secure borders, 'legal' immigration, traditional marriage, and so on.... I still like the term troll for some of these leftists idiots... LOL :) 

I'm PRO all those things as well Lance.

And I am also ANTI the EXTREME left.

But then again, I am ANTI The EXTREME right.

I guess that puts me slightly to the right of center.

And I think that's a good place to be.

The 1% should not disregard the 99%.

It takes more than 1% of the population to be able to call yourself a country.

That's the way I see it stacking up anyway.

Good luck to all of us - especially those of us slightly right of center folks.

Awesome Joseph! Wish there was more people like you out there... We are becoming the minority these days when not that long ago there were more of us than them.... :)

The Democrats don't give a rats ass about the little guy anymore.  They basically killed coal - how many miners, mechanics, electricians, etc. have lost their job from that?  Look at the Billion dollar fine given to VW.  The Democrat mantra anymore is "Thou Shalt Not Pollute Mother Earth".  They don't care about "Jobs".  Democrats kill industry due to over regulation and ginned-up fines.  To them it's all about "Safety" and "Mother Earth" now.  This is way better than what was handed to the Government from 9/11 - which gave us the TSA, Dept. of Homeland Security, an ever snooping and data collecting NSA.  I expect natural gas to be finished by 2030.

Politicians know best - right ? ?

Forget about our domestic economy and population - right ? ?

Fund ALL / ANY other country / population - right ? ?

What a load of horse puckey - right or wrong ? ?

Gas Boy

How right you are!!  Democrats actually believe (albeit non-existent) man-caused global warming is the greatest danger to the USA right now.  It's not stray nukes or a dirty bomb, it's not Islamic extremists (which term they will not ever say out loud), and it is certainly not the current, ongoing heroin epidemic . . . . nope . . . . its global warming!!

So what do I believe is the greatest danger to the USA right now?  That's easy:  Democrats!!

They are deadly.  They are toxic.  They are America's arsenic. 

All of they that do not put our country / economy / population before any other - D / R / Other.


That's right Gas Boy! It didn't used to be that way but the liberal tree hugging agenda was put ahead of the well being of the American people... And we voted them in! Global warming is a farce! It is Solar Cycles that is causing climate change not CO2, not the use of fossil fuels, no matter how may wind mills and solar panels we build it will not make a difference in climate change. I recently visited southern PA. where they have a whole bunch of wind turbines... Only a fraction of them were actually turning out power the rest of them were nothing but eye sores to the beautiful Pennsylvania. landscape!

Our coal miners and oil field workers and all the other support jobs that come along with the use of fossil fuels will be restored if the Donald is elected POTUS in the fall. If Clinton is elected we will see another 4 years of pathetic Obama. He sickens me to the point of puke.... Trump will kick Clinton's crooked ass in the November election. I will stand with the Donald!!!


I can't say that I have been a Trump fan all along. But now that it appears he is the nominee I will vote for him.

As much as the media proclaims that he can't beat HilLIARy, that's nothing more than anti-Trump rhetoric. I agree with you, wee will see a landslide election for Trump. HilLIARy doesn't have a chance.

And, in keeping with the subject matter of this site, I will vote for him simply because I believe the policies of a Trump administration with regard to oil and gas development will be good for the people of the Utica and Marcellus shale areas.

Gas Boy,

Amen Brother, the Dems are the enemy. In particular their leader HilLIARy.


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