Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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 I wonder if those big blue water tanks could be used for oil tanks in the future right next to the railroad tracks could load the rail cars right up with the oil and off they go ?

So is there anything going one in the area around the water reservoir between 6 and 660? Seems like there is a lot of unleased acreage there.

There seems to be several permits in the last few months for Sullivan Municipality on E-Facts.

 Having a hard time getting any information on the Neal well,the workers are being treated like a jury can't have any contact with the outside.They live there in man camps and they cook for them there.Shell is very tight lipped on this well?

That's pretty common with the big boys. Just like with drugs, they have a "one strike and you're out" approach to giving out information on any well being drilled by the exploration side. (Development is a little looser.) It's the same whether the well is good or bad - it's a poker game to them, and they don't like to give away anything their competitors might pick up on. Nobody I know has heard anything on that well either, or Seneca's Utica test in McKean County.  

So, where (else) in TC are they going to get Tex-Mex beef fajitas, etc.?

 I did hear a rumor that a track of land a little over 100 acres that was close to the Neal pad sold for $960,000.00 that is more than they were asking for it. I think it was listed in the spring for 7-8 hundred thousand. 

I know that 240 acres of timberland (with marketable timber) sold for that price a few miles to the south of the Gee well recently, but that's just $4000/acre. I'd see who the buyer for the 100 acres near the Neal well was, and if that's a verifiable price and the land is vacant farmland otherwise, maybe you could research the buyer and determine whether they have any industry connection.

I doubt very much the boys working the Neal are being sequestered like a jury, since they are seen in local restaurants--I know a waitress who had a table of 13 of them recently. Sure, the company/crew like to have cookouts and treat their guys frequently, but there's no moratorium about leaving the pad on their time off. 

BTW, most wells now have a "no photography" rule, be a bit careful. They can't stop you from the road, but it's posted right on the signs. 

Oh, and the "cookie lady" goes in and out regularly, and the neighbors visit on the Neal. 

Anyone heard anything about a huge man camp being built--not on a site, but quietly in a more central location, with room for many more men than one pad will hold? With cooks and all the amenities, possibly even exercise equipment, since the local places don't seem interested in having the gas workers in. I keep hearing rumors, but as usual, they're keeping quiet, and people in Tioga County are lazy--we're mannerly. The old-timers, anyway. 

PA does have Ag-Gag legislation (HB683) in the works and there has been speculation that it's broad enough to include photographing drilling on a farm.  But it's not law yet.  Do the GasCo signs give any indication of the scope of the photography ban  and/or cite any law?

It's possible, but doubt the rumor of an Eagle Ford type man camp in TC.  With the drop in dry gas activity, there are people in other counties wishing they hadn't invested in facilities for gas workers.   


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