Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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Joe - Thank you - I will look that up later.

Ha, doesn't that just dumbfound anyone who thought republicans were for less taxation and smaller government.

I could not believe Two republicans suggested it. I a
Ready wrote to my representative but, it's obvious we are not resented in DC.

I know. What to do? Term limits I guess since the election process has become another big business.

Ref: "OPEC Attacks America"

As the old saying goes,

"Turnabout is fair play"

We'd rather they would buy arms from Russia, China, Iran, and/or N. Korea?

i didn't claim that SI hasn't bought  weapons from sources other than the US.

Blackmailed?  By lowering/stabilizing the price of crude? 

I have no doubt that the objective of S.A.'s tactics is to benefit S.A.  But. so far, they have stopped short of kiling the goose.  The U.S. is now a competitor ... bur we are also still a customer.  They may despise us, but don't let that get in the way of conducting business with us.   

 What do they manufacture in S.A. besides oil. There really showing us who's the boss.  LOL


For that matter, what does the u.S. (still) manufacture? 

 Did you ever buy a product that was stamped made in Saudi Arabia? I'm just pointing out that oil,sand and terrorism is all they have.

I think Josie is on the right path here. The big picture is that other countries are starting to see huge amounts of potential within their own, thus the Saudi's are lowering the cost of crude artificially. The reason behind it is mainly that Russia is a major exporter of these resources and the U.S. over the last ~7 years has really started to get involved in the liquid natural gas. By the Saudi's lowering the price per barrel of oil it is driving down the price of fuel to fill your vehicle in turn making it difficult for other companies to cheaply and cost effectively drill, tap, and obtain the resources. The cost to do so is dipping into profits eventually-possibly going to force the U.S. and Russia into completely slow down on the drilling. On the same token, Shell has signed a multi billion dollar contract with LNG (Cheniere Energy) to export liquid natural gas to foreign countries who currently rely on that now and also there are companies like Westport Marine who is working largely in the natural gas sector to develop new diesel engines that run on this resource, so while this may all seem like a negative, it has huge upside future potential and the key here is time over patience. LNG freezes the natural gas into a liquid state at -278 or -287 degrees (can't remember which one) and that liquefies the gas for transport on shipping vessels.

I do agree that the Saudi reign on oil has been for way too long and it's time to turn the tables on them. As a country we can be completely independent from everybody if we chose to, but perhaps we are saving our resources to have a stronghold if/when the other countries start to run out. Use up their resources and save ours for last?

Just my opinion.

One point of note about LNG is, the price of gas has a direct relationship with oil, it fluctuates with oil price by a constant factor. I've read that once it becomes its own commodity, the price will reflect true demand for the product. Could be good for the market (not so good for consumer).

I also read somewhere that at the moment, US does not have the physical or legal infrastructure to export LNG. This would take five to seven years to overcome. This information is over a year old however. I don't know what if any progress has been made there.


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