My guess is that oil prices will spike when the Arabs start attacking each others oil fields and shipping ports.... Then the U.S. will be exporting to Europe and other countries and will need to drill more and frac more... Any one else with ideas? 

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In a more "normal" geopolitical/economic/monetary climate, upheaval and/or war in the ME would have a profound impact on energy prices. The world currently, however, is in a serious downturn with deflation in the commodities markets, manufacturing in the developing countries tanking, the Baltic Dry Index has plummeted, serious weakness in foreign currencies which subsequently appears to "strengthen" the U.S. dollar, astronomical global debt, etc. Couple this with an effort by the BRICS nations, among others, to abandon the U.S. Petro-Dollar, the London/US Central Banks provoking Russia, an extremely weak and borderline traitorous Executive Branch, an inept and do-nothing Congress with an approval rating of 6%, the highly leveraged fracking industry via junk bonds and increasingly weakened condition, and I am still not optimistic, and the above is just scratching the surface. Due to the horrible relationship between the U.S. and Israel currently, and this horrifically naive arms deal with Iran (which unfroze $150B to Iran, which is already translating to more attacks on Israel via Iran's proxies), Israel will have no choice but to degrade Iran's program via pre-emptive action. This will effect the energy prices in our interests, but the ramifications for the world and our country could prove to be apocalyptic. I am an optimist by nature, but a realist. The realities are simply boding worse and worse for our country and the world.

Well said my friend.... I see it all happening but did not realize the scope of the dilemma... I am also an optimist but how can we ignore the reality of what we see. When Israel attacks Iran it will start the ball rolling towards the apocalypse as predicted in the book of Revelation. Russia will invade Israel from the north and the game is on.... Nukes will fly and millions will die. The only thing left to do is to pray and prepare..... As a Bible believing Christian it comes as no surprise when we can look into the Word of God and see the warnings in black and white... In the mean time all we can do is hope and watch... Not, "hide and watch"...LOL If only we had stronger leadership in this country, but it is what it is and what will be will be.... Hope for the best but prepare for the worst..... :) 

I agree completely Lance. There seems to be an increasing convergence going on, which we know was foretold long ago. Hence our greatest preparation being spiritual, and yet trying to do our part in the practical preparations as well. I would most definitely invest in tangible things like food, water purification, precious metals, etc. The global debt Ponzi Scheme will collapse, as well as the way-over-valued stock market via QE1-3, and the dollar which days are numbered. All of the fiscal people I follow like Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Eric Sprott, Gerald Celente, Greg Manarino, etc. are urging due diligence ASAP. I also like what Jonathan Cahn (The Harbinger, The Shemitah) is saying and warning in the spiritual realm. May God grant us wisdom and discernment today, and in the days ahead.

Thank you for confirming my beliefs... Jonathan Cahn is so right! Now this coming month is the last of the 4 blood moons.... Congress will vote on the Iran Nuke deal and we'll see what happens... Number one preparation is, GET RIGHT WITH GOD and everything else will take care of it's self.... I'm not counting on any more money coming from my minerals, I think I'll be really disappointed although I'll like to be optimistic it just doesn't look good everything else considered.... I will invite you to be my friend and we can share thoughts and info...Thank You RJ

Relax everyone. The mood on these mineral rights internets forums has gotten so negative. Set back and drink some wine.

I do Mike... I'm sitting on 40 gallons of homemade Black Raspberry....LOL

  A thought here, Oil prices are putting the hurts on Russia themselves. In all likely hood behind the scene they would probably want to see OPEC at each others throat.

  I would rather doubt Russia going against Israel, perhaps bad mouthing as they did when Israel took out Iraq's reactors but not going to war against a country that creates a market for Russia.

Very true re: Russia. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 70% of Russia's exports are energy, and what Saudi has done- increasing production while global demand has waned- has really put the screws to them, Venezuela, and of course the fracking industry. Russia supports Iran and Syria- Iran (Shia) being Saudi's (Sunni) most feared enemy. The geopolitical climate is making strange bedfellows, as Saudi/Gulf Emirates secretly support an Israeli strike on Iran. Where things get complicated is if things escalate vis-a-vis a larger regional war where Russia's interests are threatened, which ultimately could put them opposite Israel. Russia is currently ramping up forces in Syria (MIG-31's, advisors, etc.) in support of Assad against ISIS- a CIA created entity. Back during the Russian olympics the neocons were angling for war in Syria, and Putin threatened nuclear war, and they backed down. The US NGO-engineered coup in the Ukraine, expansion of NATO in the Baltics, etc. is payback. It is all about energy, and global hegemony, and the Central bankers need war to cover their fraud and incompetence. They seek a world order with China and Russia out of the way. Plus, as the BRICS nations move away from the Petrodollar, are building towards a gold-backed currency, it will inevitably lead to a Third World War.

I think from 1939 to 1945 was a little bit worse then whats going on now.

The ILLEGAL UN TREATY   is whats causing the problems...

It has been used now for 50 years.. to dis mantle  the USA....

WW2 was set up to install the UN Treaty....

Truman actually "announced"  the UNITED NATIONS won WW2....

and that was BEFORE he signed it.....:(

WW1 was setup to install the League of Nations...   Woodrow wanted it....

but Congress still had tooo many "Republicans"   :)

If Trump isn't killed by the CIA..... there is hope....

If Trump comes up dead.... look out   :(

I don't see that happening.... Do the Dems want a another Civil War?

Yes, the world wars were definitely orchestrated for purposes beyond what most people can even grasp. "Ordo ab Chao"- it is on our currency- "Order Out of Chaos". It is the Hegelian Dialectic played out over and over for an agenda that should disturb us- thesis/antithesis/synthesis. I also agree re: Trump, IF he is authentic in his purpose, and not just a spoiler. If he is legit, as in someone who personified the "anti-establishment", he is in danger. Perot dropped out because his family was threatened. Other outsiders aka JFK will be dealt with in extreme fashion if they become too much of a problem.

No problem Lance. I am amazed just how miraculously accurate Cahn's work has been. I also like his humble heart, and how yielded to God he is as a Messianic Jewish believer. Here is his latest video:


It appears the treaty with Iran will pass, with horrific implications for Israel, the ME, and the world.

I am in a unit that was drilled earlier this year, fracking finished recently, and AEP told me production in the fourth quarter, right in the middle of these unfolding events, so even though I am nervous, I too am trusting the Lord.

God be with us all as we navigate the days ahead.


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