The reason Gasland is have'n an effect is in part due to the the fact that the natural gas industry is not in the movie business.  They drill for oil.  Could they make an informative film...sure.

But who would watch it? Who would Feel something and tell friends?  The most popular films like Sicko, Food Inc and Enron; Smartest guys in the room are films with an enemy.  You can't have an enemy everyone can hate in a case like ours.  Who would you point the finger at?   


Sicko hates the medical industry and the governenment.  Food Inc, the gooberment and "factory farming", and and the the Film Enron; smartest guys in the room, makes you hate Wall Street.


If you can't apeal to a major audince, you can't profit. If you can't profit-you can't have a film and the oil industry isn't into small profits or movies.  Big money attracts oil men to the business.   


oddly enough that is the appeal to the Gasland, Sicko or Ennron film viewer...a hate of wealthy people since they are the minority.   Also, in an pro-gas film you will talk about common men make'n big money in a business ppl hate (read why we hate big oil) 


You can't make a film about this business and have the same effect.

You can't put an anti war on terror spin on it, you'll tick off that religon connected to the war.   You can't attack film, they film industry is film,  You can't attack lobbyists,  enviromentalist groups, big business... so who is bad guy?


It's easyer to just pay off the anti groups in the same way that S-group was paid off by T Boone. 




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Chuck-- If you need to have some bad guys, how about sloppy journalists who fail to fact check things? Assuming Gasland is as full of it as you and I seem to think, why does it take the natural gas industry itself to dispute Fox's claims. Journalists should try to do it first, when they can.  You can definitely make a film about that. --Tom
I tried to do that several months ago Best I could do was a p r video with the api Every film needs A conflict man versus himself man versus nature man versus man excetra. This film idea Won't make any money. But see all films need a villain. Ashley the energy industry did do exactly what you said did you read it? Cabot oil has testimonials From people who left that town Because the water was so bad But it's like being a free mason But no matter what is the oil company says anyone who believes gas land Is going to think oil companies life. After all your the villain right.

The people who monitor the press Are anti big business If they were pro big business they would be in big business.
Hey Chuck, some people merely choose another way, it doesn't mean they are anti-anything.  Maybe they find the story entertaining. --Tom
It's far beyond entertainment. I guess if you're out here you'd see that. This film becomes a subject Pet town meetings and gatherings Where are the wise level headed people Are scared into thinking The oilfield is nothing but a bunch of big scary boogie men This is a threat To our livelihood. He will not shutdown drilling What is this film But he has no right to terrorize people.

Chuck-- Okay, I get it, when you mess with someone's livelihood it is no longer funny or entertaining. It also shows a real lack of respect for all of the long hours and intelligence put in by people in the field.

However, there's no reason either to invest Josh or other antis with their own boogie-man powers. What I was trying to say is that no matter how irritating the opponents of development get, the rhetoric needs to be throttled back on both sides. How can you have an intelligent discussion when people are getting in each other's faces? My 2 cents worth for the day...  --Tom

Yea well this film is a thorn from a personal perspective. He's not a farmer he lies, his film is the constant dissruption of otherwise productive meetings and if I did what he did, both on tv and here in peson, of b in jail.


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