The maps show the wet gas fairway running through east  Athens and part of Meigs co. yet their seems to be nothing going on in those areas. am I missing something. looking for some input from the experts.

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I think a lot of it will hinge on how productive the Washington County wells are. That's what I'm hearing, anyway. Why drill in unproven ground when they have plenty of ground closer to what they already know is good? Makes sense.

Yes I think your right. I hear the production numbers are coming out for Washington co. pretty quick. more and more O/G companys getting into the game... moveing south. greed will take over and they will move into Athens and Meigs. I think the lager cos. allready know the #s for the Washington wells.

Low hanging fruit.

Producers are going after the more profitable/already leased/infrastructure in place areas first. If the play pans out, they will drill Athens and Meigs after the more profitable areas have been produced.


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