Will the situation in Russia expedite the export of natural gas to Europe?

By the end of 2005, natural gas prices nearly reached $16 per mcf.

It was a crisis. And Cove Point was going to be instrumental in alleviating the crisis by importing more LNG, a position it's been in before.

In the 1970s the Consolidated Natural Gas Company, parent of what is now Dominion Transmission, partnered with the Columbia Gas System. Together they built Cove Point to import liquefied natural gas from Algeria. Cove Point imported LNG from 1978 to 1980.

However, increased natural gas production in the United States in the 1980s reduced the need for LNG imports, which were more expensive relative to the new domestic gas supplies.

Williams purchased Cove Point in 2000. Dominion subsequently purchased Cove Point from Williams in 2002 for $217 million.

Growing national demand for natural gas — fueled in part by the increasing use of natural gas-fired electrical generation stations — once again required increased imports of LNG, and Dominion Cove Point received its first LNG shipment in the summer of 2003.

But things have changed dramatically since...

In 2013, Dominion received approval to proceed with the building of a new facility at Cove Point.

In its press release, Dominion said:

Dominion has received permission from the Department of Energy (DOE) to act as an agent for liquefied natural gas exports to countries with free trade agreements and is waiting for DOE action on its application for countries without a free trade agreement.

Dominion has entered the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's pre-filing process in anticipation of filing an application. Engineering studies are continuing and are expected to be completed soon. Terminal services agreements are under negotiation with potential customers, including Sumitomo Corporation, a major Japanese trading company.

Translation: Cove Point will be exporting LNG to other nations.

Read that again, dear reader: The United States will be exporting gas.

Thanks to the miracle of fracking, America finds itself in a unique position that most nations envy: We are swimming in so much natural gas, our energy costs are some of the lowest in the world.

And remember what the ex-boss of BP said — that America's shale gas reserves are so huge, our supply is "effectively infinite."

Cove Point is just one example of America's energy rebirth...

Last year, Great Britain signed a 20-year deal to import American LNG. Gas imported from the U.S. will now heat as many as 1.8 million British homes under a $10 billion supply deal between Centrica and Cheniere Energy Partners in Louisiana.

This deal couldn't have come any sooner. Britain had a ban on fracking for years, but recently reversed it.

The results of the ban are visibly brutal: The country's gas reserves have plummeted to historic lows. Now the nation is experiencing a prolonged winter that has plunged gas reserves so much, heating bills have spiked to record highs...

It's so bad, British residents have resorted to turning off their heat completely because they can't afford it.

Uncle Sam will save our cousins across the pond again...

But instead of sending military supplies and troops, we'll be sending them the champagne of fuel: natural gas. 

And it doesn't stop with the British either. 

Following Fukushima, the Japanese have been desperate to lock in supplies of American natural gas.  And they're going to get them, too.  At a price.

My friend, there has never been a better time to profit from the natural gas boom now underway in the United States.  And rest assured, that's exactly what we're doing.

Forever wealth,

Brian Hicks Signature

Brian Hicks

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The news from the economic summitt in Europe announced that the United States has decided to expedite

the sale of natural gas as part of the sanction program to deter Russia from aggressive annexation of parts of Europe.  The price of natural gas in Europe is significantly higher than in the United States and should have the effect of increasing production in the States.  This will take some time but should add to the stability of rising natural gas prices here.

and this announcement will be cancelled if we elect a democrat congress. no keystone. a ban on fracking. pennsylvania elects a dem governor and it's all over here.

Israel has discovered 35 trillion c.f.  offshore. they will figure in this when the democrats do away with our energy.


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