I've been searching for a site that you can find the actual drilling unit borders. There is a new Horizontal Well that was just permitted that is going within 100 yards of our property but we have not been told we were put in a unit. Does anyone know where I can find this?

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ODNR website.  Then go to well locator.  zoom in to see the horizontal wells for you county.  Sometimes there is a delay in posting the well on the locator after the permit is posted.  Once you see the well click on identify window on bar at top.  A box will come up and you need to select well search in the box.  Then click the blue rectangle.  Move pointer over and click on the well head.  Hopefully a box will open.  Then go down to bottom of box and click well summary report link.  This will open the permit and at the bottom you will see pdf attachments.  One or so will be the plat maps. Good luck.  Message me if you have trouble.

Thanks, I knew someone on here could help me.

What is the name of the well?

Clark, it was just permitted 10/30/14.

I have been looking for the same information as Scott on the Mohawk Warrior well that Rice is drilling.  They have entered lateral lines on the map, but the pdf's in the Well Summary Report Link are from back in the spring when they initially started drilling.  Any thoughts?

Try calling the ODNR.


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