Pictures taken Labor day 2014

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Hi Mike,

Since i'm an absentee owner, i was wondering if you had any news on the George Southeast well?  I was down there this summer, but wasn't able to get a look at any pad construction as it appears to be located on Murray Energy land.  I know that the permit states they have one year from issuance to drill (at least I thought I read that). The permit was issued in December of 2015, so I was hoping to see some production late this year or early next.  Any ideas or news?  you seem to be the one in the know...  Thanks 

Well 1A Permitted

Well 2B is Drilled

Well 3A is Drilled

Well 4b is being drilled

Production will not begin until after all 4 legs are completed

Ok, great.  I appreciate the info Mike. Very grateful for you and this forum as it is my primary source of info on the process.

Was surprised at the rather small size of our drilling unit at only 486 acres. Does that seem odd to you? It appears, and I was expecting, to be part of a much larger (1000+ acers) unit.

While i'm bothering you, do you know how long it takes to drill each leg and then how long it normally take them to put a pad into projection? Just trying to get an idea on when we might start to see royalties.

That is a small drill unit, but the plat map is only for two of the four legs, it should be larger when all 4 legs are taken account for.

Looks like they may be starting to flow product off of the leply pad. Saw flares burning.

There are rumors that the Lepley well will be refracted. Lets hope it works, as our last Gulfport check was a paltry $39!


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