Anything new with the Supreme Court cases concerning the mineral and land rights? Any decisions made yet? Thanks, Bonnie

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I don't think there's anything new yet. I've been watching the Ohio Supreme court site to see if there's been any decision on either of the all important cases: Corban v Chesapeake or Walker v Nau. I asked my attorneys at Bricker & Eckler who are representing Nau in Walker v Nau. They are also representing my family in Tribett v Shepherd which is waiting for the Walker v Nau case to be resolved before it is heard. They said they had expected a decision by now so maybe it won't be much longer.

Thank you for the reply. My lawyer is also waiting to for some cases to win in the Supreme court for the mineral rights, before going to court on our case. Bonnie

Any news on case.

Oral arguments are scheduled for Aug 16 for Tribett v Shepherd. That case was previously being held until Walker v Nau was decided. My attorneys think that everything (Walker v Nau, Corban v Chesapeake, & Tribett v Shepherd) will be decided all at once now.


Thanks for information.

Any updates on the supreme Court case?

Walker v Nau, Corban v Chesapeake, & Tribett v Shepherd all reversed in favor of the mineral rights owners. There is no automatic vesting. Read the decisions on the Ohio Supreme Court website.


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