I heard that ODNR is working on new mapping that moves the wet gas boundary to the eastern 1/3 of Belmont county. The western 2/3 of the county will show as definitely in the wet gas area.

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Agreed,  Thanks for all your posts Finnbear.

And thanks to Brian. Phillp, Bics, Bluflame, Donna, Homer, Billy, and a bunch more that post intelligent information. Like Bluflame, I'm an Absentee Belmont County Landowner and am following closely what is going on via GMS. I am no expert and have learned much via GMS.  I would much rather read/follow informative/intelligent posts over pissin match posts.


Just keep smacking the antis with facts. They can't and don't respond once you use facts on them. Facts are stubborn things, especially to those who have an agenda.



I tend to agree you with Donna & all the others that have replyed about your behaviour & its not the first time, You stirred up stuff with the landman Leeds in fact I remember saying you sound like the landmans Straight man, then you acted like the people argueing with Mr Leeds were beneath you & here you are with a closed mind, you think you are right & its obvious you didn't even look at the Information Unleased posted & belittled him and called him names, not to mention you talked down to Finnebear and his silly mind, So all the people arond Belmont county are nothing but dumb rednecks to the big Denver arcitecht is that right?

This was just posted on the Guernsey site. Chesapeake Bill of Sale.  It appears that CHK has sold all of their Guernsey leases to Devon.  It might be a JV but it looks they are pulling out of Guernsey.  I wonder why?

Interesting. I looked through it a bit saw some recent leases where flipped and saw one that went back to 1953 !  Devon though is not a  pussy cat in the gas industry though. 

After looking at all of the Townships in the Bill Of Sale it looks like CHK is just selling the western 2/3rds of Guernsey.  I wonder if this has anything to do with the wet gas boundary?

Wouldn't the western 2/3rds be in the oil window? IIRC, Devon is more interested in oil which would explain their larger presence in the western parts of the Utica. I remember reading an article last fall that said something to the effect of Devon having developed a frack process/recipe that works better on the oily shale deposits and that would be their focus in the Utica. That would mesh well with CHK's recent realignment to focus on wet gas areas.

Maybe some one can help me here. I know what wet gas and dry gas is but my wet gas never leaves my undergarment, that's where I draw the line. It seem like someones, Donna and Not Leased's wet gas got all over this discussion.


I'm sorry, is this a closed discussion?

how come I can't see who you're talking to? Is everyone related? most'em look alike. you got nice picture maps, I can almost see my house. But you forgot to draw the lines. I got wet gas. You can call me wet gas billy if you like

 I don't share my pipe, thanks.


Af'er readin' cobra(aka snake/li'l wo'm) an' not leased (aka lost cuz) posts ah can C whut t'other fellar said about them be N sisters


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