Does anyone know about all the activity on 148 SE of Barnesville? There appears to be a frack pond along Captina Creek just west of Rt 145 near the place where they load the rail cars with coal. On the north side of 148 there is a bunch of excavation with a bunch of black plastic pipe being used (8-12" dia ?). Are they pumping water out of the creek into the pond and then piping it under 148 north to a well site? I'm down here deer hunting and don't have good internet access to look up any permit info on the ODNR website right now.

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I checked the ODNR Map Viewer and I don't see any new wells in that area.  Maybe Murray is selling water?

I saw a truck there about 4:15 yesterday that said "Parks Drilling" or domething like that on the doors. I assume they are a sub-contractor.

I believe that's for the new slurry line that Murray is installing to comply with the EPA and avoid future slurry spills.

That makes sense. That is about where they killed the creek in Oct 2010.


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