i recentley was offered a 16 percent royalty to lease property in cascade,lycoming co,anyone know the current status of that area?


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I just read the article on the triple play,Does that apply to this area also?Once they get gas out of the Marcellus,They can come back and get it out of the Upper Devonian,Besides the other layer,Does anyone know?

Triple play isn't so easy. The Marcelus core is EXTRA rich and

very economic.

The Utica in C PA, no one wants to know but google devonian USGS 2009 study and you will see the Utica, 80% odds is over mature in N C PA.

The Genesco shales that sit on the Tully LS, upper Devonian could work. it will depend on the richness, GIP etc. 

By far the biggest economic benefit come from the Marcellus .

They are 10_ hydrocarbon shows from 1 to 12k ft in depth, that is easy, They need to be economic. 

Call Anadarko say you won't lease to Ecxo, see what they say .

Ok. Thank-You.

Ruth, hate to give advice and surity here but the area is proven, odds mightbe  90% you will have good gas or better. I would hold out for 18 min R even if B is 1k.

1. Go to Anadarko  They can lease and then participate in the unit even not the operator. And they need leases for trade in good areas. 

2. Get a plat map, DEP,  of the permitted bores if any  go under you, you have advantage, Say 3k and 18 or and take 2k. call when they will pay that much. almost  have to have your parcel. 

BTW excellent thread, very useful info shared by many.

My last offer was 4k bonus,15% royalty,and I sent in my written request for the surrender of my lease to be sent to my county office from Exco.

There is new activity around my area,I have been approached to do Affidavit of use,possession and non production for my neighbors,whats this about,anybody know?Im still not leased with anybody,But its for Anadarko,these affidavits.

I believe that the affidavits that they want you to sign are stating that the property and mineral rights are not being held by any previous gas lease and that there was never any previous gas production on the property that you own. Do they want you to sign this before they offer you a lease?  Was the property leased before and was a well drilled on your or your neighbors property?

I was told they don't ask the owners,of the land they are seeking Affidavits for,They are looking to confirm what the owners say,Another person did my Affidavit,and I was asked to do my neighbors land around me,To the best of my knowledge is what is on the Affidavit,and then the lady notarizes it.They try to find some-one that knows the property,for like 25 or 30 years,I guess some owners don't have full interest in the land they are trying to lease.And they are trying to prevent problems later on,This is new,At first I thought it sounded silly that I couldn't even give my own affidavit on my own land,But they are doing a bunch of people around me and other places in the cascade area.

I bet you can get 17%, give it a try.


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