I seen tonight there is a horizontal rig in Stark County. Looks like the rig is in either Nimishillen or Washington Township. Maybe Enervest is starting to drill one of their horizontal clinton wells they have permitted. I do not know for sure who the operator is that is drilling. If anyone lives close to this area try and see who is drilling this well. I have a feeling it is probably Enervest.


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I drove by the site last night.  It is in Washington Twp but right on the border of Nimishillen.  The sign says Enervest.  The well name is Mason. 

Thanks for the info David. Looks like this Mason well is a 20 acre vertical clinton well. Wonder why the Baker Hughes rig map said it was a horizontal rig? The rig is not shown on the Baker Hughes map anymore either. Could you tell if it looked like a horizontal rig or just a small vertical rig?

It did not look like a big horizontal rig.  Looked to be a vertical rig style.

Went up Paris road Saturday morning just south of route 62 about 1 mile , they sitting up a big rig on right side of road

I will have to drive by there.  Does this look like one going into the Utica?

I saw a new well pad on Easton St. by Rt. 62. It is the Ramsey 13-H.Enervest is the operator and it is a 106 acre unit.

Jason what way does this unit run northwest or southeast from Harrisburg , my daughter says the rig is up and running

Harry, the well bore will run northwest. You can see the plat maps in the odnr well database.


Do you have a link for that site and how to find the INFO ?


Harry, I am trying to figure out how to add the shortcut but until then go to the odnr division of oil and gas resources web site.

-click on search the oil and gas well database

-click on + sign for reports

-click on green file for completions

- type in criteria on right side (enervest, stark, nimishillen, ramsey)

-on left side click on like or equal for each criteria

- click report then on the 5th page you will see the 13-H well

-scroll down and click on plat maps.


Hope this helps

Here is the plat map for the Ramsey well. Also there is a link to the ODNR database to do a search Harry.



I've been looking down through these reply threads. The Akron Beacon Journal a couple of weeks ago had an article about Enervest drilling a horizontal well in the Clinton Sands in Stark County. The article also stated that Enervest is looking for ground that hasn't been over drill in Clinton Sands. 

Which brings me to a question.
  What is the going rate for leases in the CS? I talked to Enervest and they told me they are hard on $50/acre and 12.5% royalty. I would much prefer a horizontal well as a opposed to several verticals. That's why I contacted Enervest. Are there other horizontal drillers in the CS other than Enervest that would pay better?


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