Thought I'd start a place to post about the Wall Site. Looks like they are fracing it now. This site is less than a mile into Beaver County and less than that from some of Shell's leased land in Lawrence County. (Mine included) If you hear anything , please post it here.

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Are there ever circumstances that preventa well from being flared?

Yesterday a crew made about a 40 foot by 150 foot rectangle using four poles and yellow string banners. This morning there is a crew with a small excavator basically scraping the top of the ground within the rectangle. ????  Anyone have an idea what they are doing?





I recommend just asking them!


It's been over a year now......still no flare........?

Is this normal?

Answered my own question about the yellow banners. They are there to warn of overhead wires. When they were in the first stages of clearing the ROW right next to my property,I did a little videoing. Amazing how fast they can clear out the trees with those awesome machines they use.

One of the "white hats" came over to talk to me and gave a little info. He told me that right now they are only putting in one 8 inch line,but there are provisions for (I think) 4 lines. He also told me where the well I'm involved in will be drilled. They are close to having the ROW cleared where they will cross the Beaver River. Looks to be about a 1/8 of a mile south of Giuseppe's Tuscany Grill.



Well it's been a year and still no flare!

Does anyone know if these property owners were coming up for renewal right after chessie drilled them?

I don't know but once you're drilled, your lease goes into the secondary term and you're HBP. Unless, you were lucky enough to get a good later lease that has a continuous development clause.
Todd can you elaborate on that cont. develop, clause. Please thank you rich


A continuous development clause in an oil and gas lease states in some capacity that once drilling begins on a pad that the operator must continue work to get the oil and gas to market with no cessation of "X" days/months/years or the lease will be forfeited back to the lessor.

Thank you Todd for that info. Is there any suggested amount of time for that? That you know of?
Thanks Rich
Basically whatever you and your oil and gas attorney come up with and get the operator to agree to within reason.
One that I read said no more 3 years accrued cessation in operations or 180 consecutive days.


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