Dirt was moved on the McMichael farm, please post if you hear more news.

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MCMICHAEL Wells (Flags Permitted,not started):

Just found out from Range:

 MCMICHAEL Pad: Will have 7 wells on the pad,20 feet apart,4 North West and 3 South East

Has there been any activity at the pad?

I saw lots of tankers going to the site yesterday..does anyone know the status of the well..was it drilled?..

The beaver county web site of on-line deeds ....

Have McMichaels properties with right of ways for pipe lines (almost connecting to the Mark West Mariner pipeline right of way), and just within a week or so, have filed documents for a water line / truck loading or something like that associated with Raccoon creek (is it that close to the well pad?)  Sounds like the drillers are lining everything up.



I would say the creek is 2 or 3 miles from the well..I saw trucks filling up at the creek where it crosses 151..thx for responding.. we need to get people responding to this site so we can keep up with the gas companies..pipelines etc...or they will control what is going on..I don't want that...spread the word..things are going to happen fast due to the fact that most of our lease will expire with in 6 to 9 months ..most of us signed 4 to 5 yrs ago...Rigs are going to be moving in fast due to the super rich wet gas we have..

Any activity at the well site?

Older news but....
The regular monthly meeting of the Beaver County Planning Commission was held at 12:30 p.m., on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at the Beaver County Courthouse in the Planning Commission Conference Room.
Hanover & Independence Twps – Range Resources – Encroachment Permit for the McMichael Well to Noss Well Temporary Waterline.
Industry Boro, Brighton & Potter Twps – Sunoco Pipeline LP– Encroachment permit for the Mariner West Project for the construction of new ethane transmission pipeline and access roads.
Another Beaver County planning meeting Aug 21,
Proposed Land Developments
Independence Township – McMichael Compressor Station LD – plans for 2 compressor buildings & 1 stone pad on Hookstown Grade Rd.

Thx Mike I thought there were a lot of stakes by the road ..keep us posted ..also are they drilling there yet?

Here is the Well Plat for the McMichael Unit 2H drilled to the 30' thick Marcellus Shale.

There are a total of 7 wells currently permitted on the McMichael pad.



Correction - 9 wells permitted on the McMichael pad:

7 wells to the 30' thick Marcellus

2 wells to the Rhinestreet




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