FWIW Chesapeake paid 3.675-3.72 for Dec production on a sampling of wells in SE Bradford, February checks.


DEP 2012 2nd half  production data is out. Pike Orwell, Rome-Ok , similar to W C Bradford, disappointing vs expectations.  Sheshequin better. Towanda, west to Armenia, ok. SE corner remains the start- Stevens, Herrick Asylum Wyalusing, Tuscarora, Albany, Monroe, Overton- GREAT, Leroy good, Canton so, so. NW, so, so. Is my take.


County is prolific, for those in the “lesser” areas, it is still great.

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Now, these production rates drop off fairly quickly, right? Does production ever increase after being just ok? Just curious since we're new to this. We are part of Shores NW in what I guess is Sheshequin. I'm trying to determine whether we have one well or two running through our unit. From the maps I've seen, it looks like one and a second that kind of loops through the very Southeast portion of the unit. Would that still include us in the share for that well?

Mari Anne- no expert here but we have observed that wells often rise a but in month 2 and 3, but then generally begin expected declines. Wells with no or slow declines are throtted back , on purpose. - lack of take-out capacity of in hopes of gaining larger producion over teh full life of the well.

If you are getting royalty, your statement will show 1 or 2 wells.

Thank you Melissa. Chesapeake just told us that no royalties have been paid yet, but that it will be paying very shortly. 

STATOILUSA ONSHORE  paid 3.89 - 3.90 in SE Bradford for DEC production.

Nice work!


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