Is there any way of telling where new pads are being located and if permits have been applied for?  I'm with SWN and I used to be able to go on the PaDEP web site and see what is planned for the future just by looking at permits applied for. Now there is just too much information.  We are currently in a unit and they are supposed to be adding two additional pads and wells this year.  Many of the pads now listed are identified with letters rather than the unit names they will serve.  Any ideas?

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I'm also with SWN , in  Bradford county and use the PaDep site to help me see what's going on. 

1st I go to the main page :

2nd click on : Authorization Search

3rd click on: Application Type : .....drop down window will on NEW

4th click on County : then drop down window will open and I click on my county Bradford

5th click on Municipality  : : drop down window will open and I click on Stevens or Pike township

6th click on: Program    : : drop down window will open and I click on  Oil & Gas

7th Then hit the Search ..... you will get a number of pages go to the last page that where the lastest info will be........ then the next time it will be much easier ...... like right now there are 119 for Stevens township  so when I go check if it's still 119 I don't even go to the last page nothing new going on........


Ok I hope this helps you out !!!!!

Thanks, I'll try it!

if you have a well name,

you can serch efacts and confirm the location.

units come when the gasco sets them but you can project to some degree.


SWN's eun ~3k ft wide, 8ish k in length for a unit covering N nd S.

SWN has thee right angle vs Chessie, find  map of existing units nyou can see the diff.


 On the PaDEP site you can sign up to get an email every time a new permit is applied for and each time a permit is updated.

 This year there have only been 4 permits applied for new pad locations, all the rest have been for additional wells on existing pads. 


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