Has anyone heard anything about the oil well drilling around North Georgetown. I know they have 2 wells all mapped for drilling on the Sanor pad  and I have heard they are supposed to put another pad in north Georgetown. They seem to be wanting to buy up the mineral rights of the land owners in the drilling units. I have heard that they are working on drilling 11 wells in this area. This area seems to be rich in wet gas which as I understand it, they use to make plastic.

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I drove by this morning and it looks like they have a rig up on the Sanor pad. there is a "grove' well pad permitted to the slight NW of the Sanor pad and  permitted LEHWALD well pad to SE,   Most of the leases are EAP I'm seeing recorded and seems more people are selling the complete mineral rights too.  I'm about 3 miles from the well pad and previously leased the last round about 10 years ago, I've only been approached by a company wanting to "buy" the mineral rights called Cardinal Minerals from a east Liverpool, Ohio number.  Over around Knox elementary school, Lake region out of Massillon, OH seems to be leasing and amending old leases.  Lake Region isn't a driller, just an operator.    I haven't  heard what anyone is getting paid, I see knox township  signed a lease and wonder if they will release the actual lease, not the memo under a public information request to see the terms. 

doesn't look like they've updated the odnr map on the sanor well, the state unitization order as for two seperate units.  a SW & a  SE unit

I heard about the lehwald pad but havnt heard about the grove pad. Where do you find that. The omly permits I see are 4 at the sanor pad. The one sanor well is going under my sisters place. She didn't sell but they were offering 6500 to purchase her rights

This is a map showing the Lehwald well pad in north georgetown

I've had  two companies approach about purchasing my mineral rights, they are only offering 3000 per acre on my mineral rights that have an existing lease and 6000 on the unleased acreage. Both companies acted like I should  be jumping on those numbers, but for my total 50 acres it would be $240,000 - the income taxes.  So its not worth it or life changing for me. 

I have heard the lehwald pad will be drilling south east. And the grove pad will be north west.

It actually looks like the Lehwald wells will be heading northwest and it looks like all 4 wells will be in one unit.

Just curious if this was confirmed somewhere?

if you go to this link https://ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/safety-conservation/about-OD...

and search sanor or lehwald it brings up the different documents since some people didnt want to lease and needed the state to rule on the unitizations.  I found the documents interesting as it does give estimated drilling costs and  what they expect the wells to produce.   Nothing is listed for the grove pad yet, not sure if they've accrued the 65% to get the state to rule on a unitization.  

Thanks for the info. Anyone know how many wells they can put on each pad? Curious if some of these wells will drill both directions

Im not sure on how many can go on each pad but ive seen well numbers go to atleast 10 so maybe even more. They definitely drill both ways sometimes. Most all the wells are drilled to the north west or to the south east. I guess they do this so the well bore is perpendicular to the  natural fault lines in the earth .


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