Does anyone know what Encino is offering signing bonus wise in knox township to lease?

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Just curious has Encino (EAP) approached you already and if so did they just door knock, call or mail you something?  I'm also a Knox township resident  and I've gotten cold calls from random mineral buyers, with increasing offers to BUY my mineral rights. 

They stopped by and offered to lease or purchase
They offered 2500 and 15% for 5 years. I just wondered if that was low or the normal going rate around here.

Reading through the notes on the unit application a few of the land owners  stated

"Applicant made a field visit to the Mineral Owner, Owner stated that they are currently negotiating with a competitor and have no interest in reviewing the offer from the Applicant (Encino)."  

Anyone know who the other competitor that is leasing in the area??

I would like to know this as well. I was only approached by Encino. I did hear of a few others being offered almost double what I was offered to lease. I haven't signed anything yet. I'd like to negotiate if possible. I live near the well on georgetown (sanor well)

The only thing I can see scrolling through the recorders office.  is a company OGM Partners, LLC P.O. Box 4699 Stuebenville, OH 43952, leased from the Emmanuel Church,  I think that property is already the Lehwalt unit.  

The other is Lake Region Oil, Inc. P.O. Box 1478 Massillon, OH 44648,  they amended some leases and signed a few leases, I think those are in the area of the one not wanting an offer from EAP. 

neither of those are actually drillers, but may lease land. 

The only thing you could do is send a letter to those address and ask If any interests are in areas that align with our current or future drilling plans with  the  acres, township, tax parcel (if applicable), and county


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