We own a little more than 5 acres about a half mile northwest of the Jean Ward well on Fairfield School Rd. Our well water was sampled by Chesapeake. Has anyone seen the plot map for the Jean Ward well? I wonder if our property falls within it. We were contacted by DPS Penn with a lease offer ($2,500/acre, 15% royalty). Seems pretty low. A search of records shows handfuls of neighbors have already signed leases directly with Chesapeake (a few together, but most separately.) Several neighbors haven't signed. We haven't been contacted by Chesapeake. A few questions:

1. Can we be force pooled? If our property is within the unit, do we have a choice?

2. Would contacting ALOV do us any good? 

3. Should we try to get together with neighbors (all fairly small parcels) or just contact a lawyer and try to get a deal for ourselves?

4. If our well water is contaminated during drilling, is there any benefit to having a lease or not?

Any info/advice is much appreciated.


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I count 4 wells in Elk Run ...

1) Reed Well

2) Morris Well

3) Westover Well

4) Grubbs Well

And the yet to be permitted Chamberlain well.  Don't know what it up with the well pad that was on Morris Road, on Neville farm...Remember that was the one that was marked out and then the stakes were pulled. Doesn't look to be pending road enhancement as there are no road markers along that road. Could it be an issue with an old Storage lease? That property does have an older lease on it, too.



 Chamberlain ?


 I just checked.

 I see nothing on ODNR website for "Chamberlain".

 Carney & Grubbs were the last two wells added on Monday March 19th.





The  pad is all laid out to the north of Low Road, section 2.  

I just remembered the Pine Hollow and Riffle Road site, too.Laid out and road enhancemnt done. This would be in section 13. Not sure who owns the land...maybe Miller.

Why do you think those haven't shown up yet on the lists?

I was past the Pine Hollow site yesterday and looked completely staked out. A lot of work being done, there was some old buildings that were tore down and some equipment parked there. I remember the place being for sale a year or so ago, and looked at a posted sign and states owned by a Johnston


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