Any landowners signed a lease or been contacted in Woodcock Township?

I would like to know if any landowner has signed a lease or been contacted by a driller/oil company in Woodcock Township? If so, who was it? Thanks

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Thanks a lot Jesse. I live out of state and a lot of the info I have gathered is "hearsay". I understand that CX is working hard in the area. FYI, I have properties in Mercer Co and dealt directly with Hilcorp there. I was just trying to see how things were setting up in this area of Crawford Co and what options were available at this time. Take care.    

@ Drill H, Drill N, I own 75 non-leased acres in Crawfrod County just over the Mercr County Line in . Fallowfield Twp.  I have put feelers out to Northeast, Range Resources, and CX.  Never heard from anyone from Range,  Northeast contacted ne and threw out some decent numbers but would not get back to me when I asked for a time frame for payment so look like they may be :flippers" trying to tie up leases, bundle them and resell.  CS has me thinking about joining but I also belong to the Northwest PA Landowner Group as well and I know their attorney is working hard to package and sell but also know that even if they get someone to purchase / lease the lands not everyone may be included and that has me a bit turned off right now but still sticking with them for now.   We have a large amount of land but not sure who the "big players" are within the group, you know folks with large acreage and or contiguous lands sitting ready to lease.  Around me there are a few different companies that have leases in place but some are old ones with Atlas that were paying next to nothing and I think possibly Adapt.  Some drilling took place by Atlas a few years back but understand they have ceased any drilling and just looking to sell off the leases or may have already done so.   If you would, keep me/us  posted on here if you have any luck.  Good Luck!

I also just joined the NWPA landowners group. Worth 100 bucks and 2.50 an acre if this pans out. Guess we all have to wait and see what happens with the economy, the world, and the election this November. But with the price of gasoline at almost 4 bucks a gallon and all those oil producing countries in the Middle East getting hostile to us all at once, the push may be coming to drill domestically as an economic necessity and as a generally patriotic thing to do. It is our land and our oil and gas under it. We must do our best to preserve our rights to our property. I have 31 acres in Richmond township and have been approached by Wishgard and CX . That is what got me started in this quest for information.

Have some land in Woodcock, twsp. Don't know much but have been contacted by some companies, CX, couple others, Anyone working with or heard of Western PA Gas Leasing Consultants?

Like to get more perspective on all this.



contacted? or a post card to a meeting? because they are both just marketers not oil an gas companies. do your homework so you are not one of the owners that get the shaft. this is a game an he who plays it right will win.

There are real contracts and then there are the phony bologna contracts that only promise to pay if they can get a real contract in a certain amount of time. It's like me promising to give you 4 thousand an acre bonus per acre "if" I can find an energy company that I can get to pay me twice what I promised you and take half of your royalties if any. In the mean time I have your mineral rights locked up and you can not deal with anyone else. So I get control of your property and you get nothing, unless and until I can double the money I never paid to you.

I want to see the real deal.

Thanks fredric, you are so right. I have dealt directly with 2 oil companies in Mercer Co and was treated very good. I have two good leases, money in hand and feel very good about being part of a production unit in time. There are a lot of people and organizations out here trying to stick their hands in the cookie jar. Be aware of them and don't forget the Golden Rule of business, "He who has the gold, rules". We, the landowners, and the oil companies both have the gold and don't forget that when dealing with anyone else. Fair lease prices and royalties have been established in Mercer Co and will eventually get to areas in Crawford if we just bide our time and negotiate in good faith. Everybody has to win for this to happen and the oil companies know that. They want business partners that want to work with them, not against them. Some of these landowner group tactics remind me of how Union bosses operate and it does nothing but turn me off. Thanks to all the above posts for sharing your thoughts and info.       


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