I wonder what Halcon has in mind for 300,000,000.00 dollars???


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pay some debt

CX-Energy makes land aquisition easier | CX Energy...interesting read - CX (who was involved with Mercer Co., PA involving HalCON debacle...)...

THEN CX-Energy Current Oil and Gas Leasing Landowner Groups | CX Energy approaches the LANDOWNER once they have a company wanting to TARGET a land area...HalCON...

CON?...as one light lights another, nor grows less -so nobleness enkindles noblenness. Keep you head about you.  

Those folks in Mercer didn't have a CLUE what was going on...flim-flam, shim-sham...but you make up your own mind....

Right GG. Those folks in Mercer County didn't have a CLUE what was going on!! They only received about $100 million in bonus money, with a great lease. Those who were left out are leased or will be down the road. Shell, Halcon and Hilcorp are spending tons of money because they have nothing better to do with it. Well service companies are leasing buildings, suppliers are adding capacity and out of country suppliers are setting up shop all because there is nothing under us. Makes a lot of business sense to me. As one light lights another, nor grows less blah blah blah. How about FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Ok, Cecil - right...check.

There was a problem in Mercer Co., Pa. concerning CX Energy & Halcon, was there not? Are your words a 'dodge' concerning that? *Are YOU employed by a G/O Co. or by a G/O affiliate (profiting from G/O association in any business endeavors?...) - if it may be so asked? - ***maybe even BY CX Energy -or- Halcon???

Wait a minute - this sentence just doesn't make sense (4th 'sentence'...):

"Those who were left out are leased or will be down the road." WHAT exactly is being said with THAT sentence? Do answer this, thanks, cecil...clarify.


Your other statements declare that this area IS indeed a 'target area/zone'...perhaps because of the 'moraine' & various levels of shale....  IS this indeed a 'hot spot' on the shale radar?... if so, then WHY so many mixed messages? - FOLLOW THE MONEY - yes, that is usually best. So, that being re-stated...WHAT is the money drilling? As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. (keep goin' - what works best is when one does not shorten with little-minded 'blah, blah, blah's...). When 'nobleness' reigns, the money DOES follow, friend, cecil (from Latin origins derivative of Caecilius - 'caecus' meaning 'blind' + 'sextus' - sixth...). Light our way, Cecil - articles you can forward?...perry....

Hi, cecil - me again...WHAT is THIS then...'follow the money'...

CX-Energy and Halcon are liars!!!!! - Go Marcellus & Utica Shal...

'smell a rat'...? FOLLOW THE MONEY. As one dollar bill begets another, nor grows less so thousands become millions...no, no, no - blah, blah, blah...

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. And you were saying?...we're waiting...in the meantime - learn & enjoy...

James Burke Connections #8 - Eat, Drink and Be Merry - YouTube ...

HL is an interesting company, run by former Petrohawk CEO.  They will be a successful operator if they can garner good acreage.


They have far larger positions in the Utica, still in testing and very good positron in the Eagle Ford and huge in the Bakken.


If they are looking near you, it is no sur thing but a good sign.


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