Hello! I noticed no group in Broome County, NY. I'm across NY border in Susquehanna County PA.  Just curious if a Broome County group exists or will be started in the future. From my knowledge, all drilling/permit/pipeline activity in the State of NY is on hold now. Much confusion on recent news from the NY legislature and governor.

Any comments would be appreciated on Marcellus activities in the nearby Southern Tier of NY. 

In any case I look forward to the membership with the Delaware County group.



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Anthony, basically a bill was vetoed by Gov. Patterson a couple weeks back which was attempting to ban hydro-fracing of any kind. Because of the over broadness of the bill on that and other issues it was vetoed. He then placed an executive order extending the moratoreum to July 1 2011 and at the same time requiring the DEC to complete the SGEIS by June 1 2011. This is somewhat good news for NY in my opinion because the veto itself was a huge victory and the executive order is open for revisions by the incoming Gov. elect Coumo. It will be interesting to see what position Coumo takes. My sense is he will allow the DEC to finish(not re-write) the SGEIS, allow a brief comment period of 30 days, then start permitting, possibly waiting for the EPA but that would delay things beyond 2012. Frankly I don't think NY will be here in 2012 if some revenues don't start flowing in.

Anthony thanks for informing on the recent political developments. I have a lot of catch up reading to do for NY. I assume there is nothing going on up there, nada? Any clue which way Coumo will go?

Your comment on NY being around, I assume it's referring to huge budget/taxing problems statewide? I know where you’re coming from. NY is like my second home state, spent much of my youth visiting relatives in "The Bronx", Manhattan, summer camps in Ulster County.

Yes, I too will keep my eyes and ears open on NY developments. 


Be creful out there, someones are posting false infoirmtion.

IE """""""here's an excerpt (member e-mail) from a broome landowner group:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX We were contacted last week by a gas company that would like to sit down with our negotiations team.  We also have had landmen from Exxon-Mobil knocking on doors in our coalition.  """


The Exxon sub that has 55k A leased in Broome would like to sell it.

If you think gas looks good there, round up friendsand buy the leases.


This kind of thing does harm to unleased landowners who need truth.



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