Hi, new to the discussion forum, and I have a question: Does anyone know if the Holden Well #1&2 have been drilled and fracked? I live out of State and can't go and check every month. This well is located near Morgan's Run near Route 50, in Doddridge County.


Thanks Arnold

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Hi Arnold, you still looking for this information? I have mineral acreage in Doddridge Co but live in Pittsburgh so I only get into that area 3 or 4 times a year. Easiest way is to look at WVDEP website or perhaps look at the producers website. Antero is the operator I am familiar with and they put out a monthly report, mainly for investors, which gives pretty good detail about what they've drilled and where they plan to go. There is not a list of wells they've drilled but they do highlight their monthly and yearly plans.

Hope this helps

Thanks Adam for the reply, but if you look at the date of the post it was July 2013. The Well has been drilled and went on line in Jan 2014, My problem now is getting paid. I think a lot of us have the same problem. Thanks again anyway.

Yeah, I did notice the date which is why I asked. I've seen some articles where Antero has said it will take 6 months to a year for payment. I would also not be above contacting the local media outlets in North Central WV which would include WDTV, WBOY, Dominion Post, Times WV and Telegraph in Clarksburg and ask them to investigate.

Thanks Nancy, I have been looking for this report. Lot's of info.

Where do you find these monthly documents at? I mean where can I look at a list of what is currently available?

I forgot where I found this. It has been a long time ago! I must have seen it on another part of this forum. You can go the Antero website and look around, see what they have.

Has Anyone received any royalty checks from AR on anything?

William, the answer to your question is yes. I have been receiving royalty on six wells, some since May 2015. Even though the checks are low (stands to reason) the checks come on time every month. I know several others are getting paid as well.

Have you been receiving royalty on the Holden wells for 6 months? And, if not, which wells are you getting royalty from? I only want to check on when the wells were completed. My lease calls for payments to commence no later than 6 months after the first sale of O&G off of a well.

William,My first checks were retroactive back six months, with a 3 percent payment for being late,however due to the low cost of Nat'l gas now, Antero and other's are paying a lot later, some companies are drilling but not fracking at all until the price goes back up. Antero has a hot line in Denver that you could call if you have a well name and better yet an API #. Good Luck.

I have a small piece of 15 wells that have been fracked. The last frac was completed 12/23/2014. These are only the ones completed in 2014. I have only been paid on 6 of these wells and on 4 of them the payments stopped after the 2nd payment at the end of June.


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