Its been fairly quiet in Erie County, Pa., when it comes to new drilling but I was just notified that Stedman Energy, Inc. has applied for a permit to drill a gas well in Venango Township.

The Permit No. is 049-25433  Site 785521  1037410  1037407.  Stedman Energy, Inc. is one of the

big players along with Empire EnergyUS both companies have addresses in Mayville, New York.

The permit is scheduled to be issued in September but if someone knows how to find the location of the drilling site please publish.

EmKey Energy,LLC. continues to expand their presence in Erie as evidenced by full page advertising in the Erie Times for additional employment.  Emkey has opened a $10million gas processing plant in Union City PA and continues to invest in expanding pipeline distribution lines in the area.  Empire Energy who is located in NY but has a major presence in Pennsylvania has recently raised money for their ambitious drilling programs and Stedman Energy has a major presence in Erie County,Pa. and hopefully will incrfease its drilling program.  The Upper Devonian formation, in particular the Rhinestreet Shale lies above the Marcellus Formation and offers lower cost of drilling in the shallower formation and could be a very prolific production development as newer technology allows better permability.  If anyone has any more information please publish on this site.  Companies like EmKey Energy have located in Erie and brought new employment and construction jobs to our area and the building of the new processing plant in Union City is a large investment in our area and future drilling will help make that project a success.  Pennsylvania needs to welcome the gas industry to our state and needs to be competitive in regulations and taxes in order to entice more gas industry to our areas.

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DEP was not helpful in supplying me with the information of the location of this new well because the permit has not be issued.  I called Stedman Energy who told me that the well is located in Loweville(Wattsburg area).  They expect to drill around 2800'.

Stedman Energy has been issued a permit to drill a well in Lowesville,Pa. (Wattsburg area - route 8 near hwy 89).  see comment about well 049-25432, if anyone can go to the DEP web site and locate an area map of the drilling site it would be helpful.

The DEP website has additional information on a new natural gas well permit issued September 24,2014 to Stedman Energy on well 049-25432, site id #785521  Site name: R MEABON 12 OG WELL.  I was not able to see a site map etc.,could one of the members of this site who has access to DEP website into please post the site map location of this well.

Stedman Energy and Empire Energy own and lease lots of wells in the Wattsburg area.

The new technology of horizontal drilling techniques on shallow well has proved to be effective on multiplying production many times from the old vertical shallow wells.  EmKey Energy who has spent $10million dollars on a new natural gas processing plant in Union City has the capability to create profitable by products from the local gas distribution supply.  This could be the start of Erie County increasing production of natural gas.

Anyone have an email address for stedman energy?

Could not find an email address but call 716-789-3018 Kevin E. McChesney, Pres.

The permit issued to Stedman Energy for their new well in Loweville, Pa. is their first permit in Pennsylvania.  PA has a three year time limit on new permits.  In New York permits are good for six months.  Stedman expects to drill 2015. 

Since prices have declined activity has been slow but August 5, 2015 Stedman Energy, Inc,

started drilling in Venango Township.  Our property at Phillipsville Rd., from Page Rd. to

Rt. 8 on the south is only four miles or so from this new drilling.  We believe shallow oil is the target.

If anyone has more info: please post

Specifics of Stedman Energy, Inc. well:

049-25432  Api number

oil well permit 2015-08-05

Site name:  R Meabon 12

location:  take Rt 8 to R89 turn left - about mile on right

latiture DD    42.029620

longiturde DD   79- 81378

Latitude dms   42deg l" 46.6284


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