Hello has anyone heard of E QT's newest wells in Greene County ? I've heard that the latest well has lateral of 8000' and a 30 day average production of 22 million cubic foot a day and another with a lateral of about 7000' and a average production of ?

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Actually you are correct and is on their earnings report for 3rd Q. The other they mention is 4500 ft approx and 15 per day and its in Armstrong County
Wow Is the entire well on his property?
I do believe it is pooled. Not sure how many acres are in the pool or how many wells they project, but I think and hope it will be "bigtime". I heard that a new transmission will pass thru the northern part of Greene. I hope to see more gathering and believe with the Dominion & Consol agreement that might happen. If you happen to hear of any PL action in western Greene, please, give me a heads-up.
Will Do I'am in the south Western part of the County right on the line between Washington County and WV Marshall County. We are leased to AB Resource's they have permitted one well in Richhill township so far and are in the process of applying for additional wells off of the sam pad . Caiman Energy was buying right of way for a pipeline for those wells , but for what ever reason have put that project on the back burner .
Repliet to earlier. Had a hard time getting back to you. Intersested in pipelines as I have an interest in Jackson and Aleppo townships. My interests are there and to ANTERO on assignment from Dominion. Any info that you could come up with would be greatly appreciated.

The biggest things the operators are facing is the pipeline intrastructure to take these wells. I am currently drilling wells in Greene county and the operators wells are held backdue to the limits of the pipelines.
Aleppo and Jackson, like I said has a transportation problem. Just north and south there are major
TLs. Hopefully, it will get better soon, as I do have interest there.
How about Whitely Twhship/Mt Morris?
I read some where that royalties should be aprox 28.00 a day per acre can any one comment. i know % means plus or minus on that figure. i see on here that most are getting % on gross no gas co. i talked to will do that they only do net %
Take the well or well's production in youre proposed unit , mutilply that by the going rate I believe it is 4.25 a 1000 cubic foot .Take that total and mutliply it by youre royality rate , Divide that total by the number of acres in youre unit and you will have the amount paid daily per acre. Ok I figured out if you are getting 15% royality and you have a 640 acre unit and the gas is selling for 4.25 a thousand cubic foot, you will make almost one dollar (.99) per acre per day for every 1 million cubic foot of gas produced per day . So if there are 6 wells with a average daily production of 6 million cubic foot per well, you would get 36.00 dollars per day . Also depending on how many acres you have say above 40 acres 100 hundred acres being better, the gas companys will deal with you, but you have to wait until they need your acreage ...they will deal with you.
Penn State has a good plug and play royalty calculator. It is easy to use.
Steve Fox


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