I know of a very wealthy & smart local Greene Co. man that recently sold a portion of his mineral rights.Question is, how much did he sell them for? I'm certain he didnt get taken,how much did he get? Or does anyone know what the Best price would be? HELP Please  

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Hello I've heard of offers as high as 14 thousand an acre but be very careful this folks are usually working on info thats not avaiable to us. ps this offer was for a lease that was about to expire from the company that held the lease

Hello,this is as of yet the best price I've heard in our area.What was the company name?I've heard of 15thousand an acre in nearby Ohio.I'm fishing as much as I can.Because end result will be (as far as I can see) we will all be sorry we let these Co.s come in to begin with! I'm going to see what I can get for a portion now.Your answer,as to what the name of the Co. was would be app.Thank you. P.S.

And No to who ever asked,it wasnot Mark or Paul 

was his name mark moore bye any chance i talked to Chesapeake  dale propertys waynesburg 2-22-11 they said they would not lease from me ? no reason why, they said they have stopped leasing right now. here maybe to many wells not enuff pipelines to get rid of it ? and i heard Exxon was looking to buy range resources also. interesting stuff    

I have already leased to Chesapeake/Dale.I have gotten in the mail offers to buy my already (leased or not leased) minerals all or a portion. I do not want to sell all,but I am thinking about selling a portion.Can you be of help on this?


no ,i cant,  i would like to sell also maybe all for right price . highest i have been offered so far is 6,000 acre not happening for me . get i don't own enough for big interest in my gas rights (my guess)  i only have 27 acres and they drilled over the hill already at rices farm and are drilling on paul braddocks farm also .  so don't look good for me i guess . i never got any big money out of mine and looks like i wont . i cant find anyone interested ? 

I have rights in Aleppo greene county wondering whats going on there? I have had an offer to buy them for 5500.00 an acre I think my rights are on McCracken rd that was my great franfathers name that left it to us I live in southeastern new mexico hobbs any info would help

if you do find info, please shoot me private message. if you would, i have been looking for a while no one want to give me anything for my gas rights ? i cant figure that one out  

I can't either,I think simply,they know what they're doing & we are in the dark... just the way they want it.But if you hear anything.Please feel free to let me know,via email as I will also.  But I do feel certain if you or I sell,we will have to look back sometime & see we could have gotten more...I figure that's the way it goes.

Your under a lease? Who has your lease. Who owns the lease where the well was drilled? Are you a part of that drilling unit?  It could be possible without your knowledge.

 do some home work pay your county recorder a visit and see who has the land leased up around you.  You have to have a idea of where you are at. 

You may have been under Chesapeake but they could have sold the lease to someone else and taking a working interest cut in that well thats next to you.

have no idea where its out. stinger pays taxs on the land part

What I just hit up against in Greene Co.  Waynesburg, Whitely/Franklin township (not sure where you are located) was that if there are active coal mines still in the area, then the gas companies can not likely get a permit to drill for gas.  The coal has been out from under my property for 20+ years, but the long walls still exist and they are apparently still moving coal around underground so while that is occurring, there will be no drilling for gas.  Checked with DEP and they confirmed (first I heard about it was after I signed lease agreement with Rice - as part of a landowners group deal) and confirmed that it could be years before any drilling would be allowed in the area.  She (DEP) also confirmed that there are no active wells or gas permits in the area.  I am now looking at selling the mineral rights, but of course now what anyone is willing to pay me is significantly less than would be otherwise since it will be a long term risk/deal that the company would be sitting on.  Just irritating that the coal company screwed us over years ago and are still calling the blasted shots now that I could be benefitting from the gas boom.  Can't win for losing…...


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