need reveiws on Amarado oil co. leasing in Guernsey co.  The good & the bad.  No rumors please. just comments from those who have dealt with them. Are they gonna be drilling here. or just flipping?  Do they pay on time?  etc. etc.

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They are not exactly an operator; neither are they a flipper.  They recently entered into a joint venture with EQT Production out of Pennsylvania.  They assigned all of their leases to EQT but appear to have retained some interest in the venture.  Most of their acreage appears to be in the western part of Guernsey County.  I know several people who have signed with them and all a were paid.  However, I also know of another person of whose land they made certain claims and made it difficult for the person to achieve a lease.  I would not be hesitant to lease with them, but I would not entertain an offer without the presence of an attorney.

Jimmy...                                                                                                                                       A spade is a spade until it also becomes shovel.                                                                    I have no intent to mislead people on this board.  Amarado is no friend of mine.  More than anyone here, I have been harmed by them.  Were it not for litigation being planned, I could be more forthright.                                                                                                                                      Amarado Oil is not an operator in the sense that they have men and rigs and big trucks hauling pipe.  But they are not a flipper in the sense that they leased on the cheap to sell on the dear and run off with an overide.  They and/or the cohorts they contracted and brought with them from Texas continue to play a behind-the-scenes role in developing the acreage they assigned to EQT.             

So, what you are saying is; If one was to sign with Amarado,  Then if & when a rig shows up close to include you into a production unit,it would most likely be EQT?   Does it really matter who the operator is, if you get $5,000. or more bonus & 20% on the gross @ the wellhead & the rest of the lease is landowner freindly?   They have leased some large-ish parcels east of  I-77.So they are'nt done yet.     I figure we are only a few months away from the big meeting where they all get together & horse trade. they all need 640-1280 acre units,and most of us in guernsey co. could call our neighbors & find that there is multible O&G co.s leases invoved.  alot of us we may see some other-than the ones we signed with-coming to drill. alot of the royalty checks could be coming from someone else.  But who cares!  as long as it"s done as contracted?  could even be China.

Yes, that is my understanding for the most part.



We are in Spencer township and signed a lease  with Armarado /Mcgonigle after a few changes suggested by our lawyer's review. 

Armando handed us the check immediately  at  the  signing.

Recently we  received a letter from EQT that they have an interest in our lease and EQT has been here to look over land.

Just Waiting for the next step.

I am on Cubbison rd. and i know for sure of SIX wells gonna be drilled by EQT...

They are in a line from about 2 miles NW of me to about 1 mile SE of me..

Dobeck is one of the well sites...

Kamms is another....


They have done most of the preliminary work...Checking on locations of wells and ponds this week...

MY GUESS....drilling will start on the wells NW of Dobeck first and come my way...

and from what i see so far.. i would think within 30 days they will start..

EQT people seem to be very informative...

Some units have the well at one end of unit and the other units have the well in the center...

im assuming the ones in the center will go out 2 least that is what i was told so far..

640 UNITS are in a series of rectangles SIDE BY SIDE FOR MILES...

We are very satisfied with Armarado's handling of all this... Everything they told me has happended as stated...

Including the approximate time for drillers to show up...

ONLY thing i havnt been able to pinpoint FOR SURE.. is....

Who gets royalites...for sure....? 

I have been told by people up by Dover... that only those whose property is in the THOUSAND FOOT RIGHT OF WAY....get royalties...

500 foot on either side of line of fracking.....

I havnt seen any info other then that...

Which brings up a point....fracking doesnt start till quite aways from the well hole....

Land men tell people... everyone in a 640 unit that has a wellhead get royalties....

Im not sure of that...

If your within the 1000 foot right of way....for sure your in.....

Any info on that question would be nice....

EQT people and the surveyors double checking things are friendly and will tell you what they can...

Gonna be a lot of truck traffic on 313 and 660 soon...

anyone that would like to see a copy of the surveyor map i have.. stop by...

Nice surveyor man let me make a copy...:)

6211 cubbison rd...




I am near you with 200 a/c leased to Amarado/EQT on Red Lane Rd.  I live in Florida and consequently can't see what's going on other than EQT calling and telling me that they would be on the land.  Any info from you would be greatly appreciated.


Scott Lake

HI, good for you 200 acres...i would be in Fla too.. hahha.

I couldnt read the name of the well near Redlane... i just took a pic of the guys map and my camera was sligthly out of focus...

I will do some more checking and find out the names and maybe get a clearer map of Unit deminsions..

i know there are TWO wells on the other side of Dobecks...towards your land....

I will post any new info i can gather....


Thanks.  Much appreciated.

I am in the western part of Guernsey and they worked this area very hard in the very early stages of this play, took a lot of people for $250 - $500 per acre with the std lease. I know of one person that later got $2500. They claimed to be drillers but I was never able to find a well they had drilled. They were good at paying.. what little they paid. If they were the only game in town we would be best to leave the oil in the ground.


Please explain why you make this comment?

"If they were the only game in town we would be best to leave the oil in the ground."

Are you leased with anyone ? Were you paid? are you drilled?

Thanks Phil



They are partners with EQT.  who have leased 3.5 MILLION acres in appalachia, and have drilled over 4000 wells. check em.  they are very interested in guernsey co.  Shell may as well take off!


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