EQT is busy tearing up Crane run Rd. off Rt. 146  hauling truck after truck after truck of water to their well off red lane rd. Dont know if they are fracking or getting ready to,or just drilling. Cant see the wellpad from any rd. They are also setting up on Cubbison rd, not far west from Northstar rd.. That drill pad is very close to the rd. And not far from a couple houses. Both wells are on ODNR's website. Small acreage drilling units.  Anyone got more info?

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I own a property on Crane Run Rd about a mile East of red lane rd.  My property is also leased with EQT.  I am interested in any info about the nearby EQT wells.

red lane well has been drilled. must be fraking now,with the amount of water being hauled in.Cubbison rd. well has activity.check out theses maps.


Where on the internet are you able to locate and see these maps?  Thank you.

ODNR oil well locator.  Search their site, you'll find it. then it may take days to figure out how to use it. Depends on your puter skills!

Thanks Bo. I saw that the other day on their website but wasn't sure how to get in there to find anything. Looked challenging :)

 Hello Mr. Bo, I have been trying to find any kind of production reports on EQTs

Spencer 1H , permit number 580004, which,if I am looking correctly is 5 sites over from the Clark site ,apparently going to the west, all I seem to be able to find in the ODNR is it is in production, any idea where to look , the ODNR site is a challenge, and my puter skills leave a lot to be desired   thank you Paul Wheelock

ODNR will be releasing all the ohio wells production reports any day now. Many are waiting & watching. I"ll let you know when we see something.

 Thank you,it has been an interesting year and a half, the production reports seem to be like a poker hand, keep em close to the chest


      Hello Mr Bo, do you or any of the local folks know if the Clark 1H2

that is EQTs unit actually went into production in July and if so has anyone heard any numbers or even if it is two or three wells, this is the well pad north of Northstar road off of Cubbison rd   Paul Wheelock

Everyone round here {western Guernsey} would like to know that! Must be good, for them to be keeping it a secret! Hope we don't have to wait till april to find out. I wish they would start requiring the drillers to report monthly, not yearly.

HI, after spending a couple hundred hours tryig to figure out the ODNR well site locater i give up..


any chance you could post a LINK .PDF  to the KAMM well; site.....


There must be a "plat showing location of well" blueprint of Kamms well.


Thanks , Mike Fulper


The clark well site lost 400 feet of drill pipe last week...gonna move over and restart..


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