We don't expect it to be much.....

EQT says not much Gas out of these wells.....

Oil/Gas checks together start Dec 12th...

They are holding OIL production "down"  now that

the compressors are running the 'gas lift" situation..

I think it is kinda like letting the Wells 'rest"..

but they are sending a couple OIL TANKERS a day out...

No one expects to get rich out of these laterals...

BUT... hey... its all free $... so we aint complaining...

I think it will be NEXT SUMMER till production

is up 100%  

Views: 1115

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    You probably know about the ODNR quarterly well production on line report.

You should check your well Royalty Statement Oil and Natural Gas production vs the ODNR producer reported Well Production. This will tell you a lot about your producer.

I'm unfamiliar with how EQT treats their landowners.    

When was the last quarterly report.. put online ? 

So far no one has any complaints over our way about EQT...

and with all the computers watching every bit of production I don't see how anyone

can cheat on production...

I know that production is up down.. off   on... and so on... so that's why some

Royalties are different each month...

Until the Saudies are wiped out... our production is going to be slow....

I just love the INDOOR SKI SLOPES they built in the desert.....

Let em go back to donkeys and camels....and sand fleas....

17 of the 19 bombers of the WTC.... were Saudies... don't think we need to

be importing any of their oil....:(

Ours was under $20 but I was still glad to see something.

We have 24 acres so ours was $159.....better then nothing...

But we knew there is little gas....Little pressure when flared...

Oil is a different story.....OIL CHECK about Dec 15th....

for last 3 months... Sept was only about 2 weeks or less....

That's why your Gas check for Sept was low.....

You will be able to go to dinner on your OIl check...I hope...:)



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