Were any of you in attendance at the meeting with KWGD on Monday at the PLCC. I was there and was totally surprised by the number of people in attendance. What were your thoughts about the meeting? I found it to be very informative.

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I have to agree with Steve and AT, we have all heard lots of rumors of big money. I have yet to see proof with my eyes of these $4500+ leases.

But......I hope there is some truth to the bigger numbers(lol).

Richard you are either totally mis informed or have an agenda in the works.....for one thing KWGD successfully negotiated leases in the past which is proof positive they know what they are doing. The leases are also completely landowner friendly with every provision/addendum you could think of. Secondly the price on last group was 2,700 and 17 Gross....and that was paid out 1 year ago in September of 2010.....lease prices have gone up considerably since then obviously.... Also the leases were bought directly by Chesapeake.....that is not a flip.  I am very hopeful that the new KWGD group will get a very lucrative lease at today's market prices. Wont be long either as they will be starting negotiations with all of the oil co.'s in play during the next several weeks.

Richard - You pegged these guys right on. They are "flippers'. They havent been to succussful in PA. Groups dont really need "flippers" to sell a package. Ban together if you want, but most off these type middlemen really don't bring anything to the table that you, as a group, couldn't do for yourself and save alot of money.


You couldn't be farther from the truth on either issue.  Folks on here are too well informed for propaganda............

Please explain your definition of a "flipper"... To me a flipper is a company that you sign a lease with (under the presumption that they are going to be the ones drilling the well), and then they in turn sell the lease to another company to develop on that lease (usually for a profit to the first company).

I do not understand how some are comparing KWG&D to a lease flipping company.  For one, the individuals represented by them are not signing a lease with them.  We will be signing with a drilling company.  KWG&D is representing the group to negotiate the best possible dollar amount, royalties & terms of the lease.  They are making no representation that they will be the ones drilling.  They tell you up front what they do & how their fees work.


Here we go again... Its gettin funny now ...


Just makes one wonder if individuals that post stuff like that read any of the other posts in a forum before they spew this stuff out, or if they just throw it out there to generate reactions...


Pot stirring thats all......
I totally agree with Scott and the others. KWGD is not a land man and does not flip leases. They are good people and this kind of misinformation does nothing for the group on here and only makes me question the hidden agenda behind it. Most on here are too well informed to fall for it.

And now "for the rest of the story", as Paul Harvey used to say. From this mornings Ohio.com:




Some lease bonuses in Ohio have topped $3,600 an acre. The company annually pays that amount for up to five years. Some of the first landowners were paid under $100 an acre in bonuses.


Annually would be nice but unfortunately the author of the article made a little flub there.

Not a little flub, just an idiot reporter. Bob Downing of the Akron Beacon Journal (Reekin' Urinal) has taken mangling facts to new heights. He has been mis-reporting facts for years and it is frustrating to read his articles if you know anything at all about the subject matter. I sent him a nice note about this article documenting the corrections that needed to be made and even directing him to some experts and he won't even bother to respond. My brother deals with him regularly in his day job and Bob never fails to disappoint and screw up the facts in a story.


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