Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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Philip, CHK came to the Mcclain unit drilled one lateral. Then they left ..  they were only there about two weeks..

Rex Energy Provides Operational Update

STATE COLLEGE, Pa., Dec. 6, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rex Energy Corporation (Nasdaq:REXX) today provided an update on its operations.

Appalachian Basin -- Warrior South Prospect

The five-well J. Anderson pad, located in Guernsey County, Ohio, was placed into sales from its resting period at an average five-day sales rate per well (excluding downtime) of 1,886 Boe/d (40% NGLs, 40% gas, 20% condensate) assuming full ethane recovery and an average natural gas shrink of 12%. The five wells produced with an average casing pressure of 3,293 psi during the five-day sales period on an average 18/64 inch choke. The five-well pad was drilled to an average total measured depth of approximately 12,873 feet with an average lateral length of approximately 4,250 feet and was completed in an average of 28 stages, utilizing the company's 150' "Super Frac" design. Based on composition analysis, the gas being produced averaged 1,257 BTU.

Five-Well J. Anderson Well Results -- 5-Day Sales
Total Percentage Total
(Full of Liquids (Ethane
Natural Ethane (Full Rejection
Gas Condensate NGLs Recovery) Ethane Mode)
(Mcf/d) (Bbls/d) (Bbls/d) (Boe/d) Recovery) (Boe/d)
---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------
1H 4,454 347 740 1,830 59% 1,426
---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------
2H 4,597 434 770 1,971 61% 1,520
---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------
3H 4,427 358 760 1,856 60% 1,438
---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------
4H 4,414 368 750 1,853 60% 1,437
---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------
5H 4,471 385 792 1,922 61% 1,489
---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------
Average 4,473 378 762 1,886 60% 1,462
---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------
Tom Stabley, Rex Energy's Chief Executive Officer commented, "The strong pressure profiles and early production results of our five-well J. Anderson pad are very encouraging, especially given the limited choke size we are utilizing to produce the wells. We are also pleased that these wells, along with our first three Warrior South Prospect wells, are currently producing into sales without any midstream constraints. We feel the production results of the five J. Anderson wells further demonstrate the value of our acreage position in the Warrior South Prospect."

What do you think Philip.  That's your backyard..

This is one of the reasons that I won't sell my mineral rights.

Great info Phil....thanks you for the research....

Any new scuttle going around?

I live in Cleveland so I don't hear much.

Very impressive....are the blue dots the potential future drilling sites?


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