Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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what would u do if u had a 20% gross lease no deductions.. and this month there telling u there taking out 25k worth of deductions .. "a glitch in the software"
Hi Evan,
We got our check today. Did you receive yours?
Absofreakinglutely. I too can use big words like some others

This must be a mistake.  ODNR is showing the LAW 4h going across 7 other laterals and stopping right above my property. 

Thank you Philip  it shows am in  that unit but not all my acreage .am thinking the rest will be in the yost?


Somebody there must be a jokester

My guess is that whoever was entering the coordinates of the lateral made a typo.  If you look at the plat map it runs parallel with the other legs. 

Yes I just thought I was on a hot spot...

Locals around the Hayes pad can you keep us informed when you see activity regarding the Purple Hayes? Give us all something to be excited about! Thanks much.
went past today there were numerous trucks back on pad but did not see any heavy equipment or rig.. heard they were gonna start middle of February
Thank you so much! I had heard the rig was down in Monroe and ready to move to the Hayes. Time will tell.


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