Sure doesn't take these workers long to setup and or takedown...

Plugs need to be drilled out next....

Im guessing mid of next week will start...

Nothing official.. as NO ONE ON THE PAD   :)

After 3 months of fracking.....its as quiet as a graveyard ...

I think the Fracking made our garden grow bigger... ?????????

GIANT everything here.......

Zukinni look like water melons..

tomatos big as basketballs....

Green beans the size of bananas  ...vibration maby caused it  ??


Views: 754

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Please post photos of the garden.

Sorry.. everything taken to County AG office for display...

Mike, Ha, ha, ha, this made my day. What a clown. Nice to have some fun. Otherwise, life is boring.


Actually the Deer did walk up and stand around the edge of the pad for weeks watching..

Everytime I went back to get my camera they had left....

The only thing Fracking hurts is... the communists....and Arabs.....

Hang in there... Production should start in 30 days.....

Mike Fulper, do you know anything about the ips rigs on Cubbison road,are they trying to get more production out of the Clark wells or just where are  they

Hi Paul.. im pretty dumb on this stuff .. what are "ips" rigs..?

Only thing ive heard about clark well is they were shut down for a few days

and in the past week we have seen a couple tankers go out is all...

We don't always see each one tho.... as sometimes they go out after dark...

Just not a lot of production out of clark... avg 30 BBls a day.. per lateral...

As i  had worked on a fracking crew I will attest to the deer near the pad .


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