Some true,some hearsay...Aubrey is looking for a site to build his regional office with a Cambridge address.  Aep Utica is looking to drill a well behind the General store in Old Washington,early feb.   .AEP is drilling now in Harrison co. Rice will be moving their big rig from Belmont co. to daddy Shugerts well in Old Washington,soon. Bluegrass Pipeline coming thru the county this year. Compressor  station for Antero's well below Senecaville is ready to fire up any day.  Gulfport is sending rigs to Guernsey soon. EQT is wanting to drill 21 new wells in Guernsey this year. Carrizo has 2 pads built,ready to roll. Cheasapeake,all of a  sudden,likes Guernsey,better than Carroll. The company wanting to build an apartment complex at the I-77/Rt.22 site has agreed to help finance a sewer plant needed at that site& Coventry Estates. Motel to be built across from Pilot on the hill almost ready to roll. Some landowners near Quaker City are getting offers of $13,400. per acre to sell their Mineral rights.  Any other tidbits are welcome. You hear things from credible sources that may not even be true,but you be the judge.

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I checked my deed and the highway is listed as an easement, I bought the land after I-70 was built so I'm assuming the owners at the time I-70 was being built negotiated an easement instead of selling. You can get on the ODNR well locator website and look at the parcels, they have linked them with the Guernsey Auditors office. You just click on the (i) at the top of the page and click the parcel and it gives you the information on that parcel. Below is the link to the map.

I"ve been hearing stories about AEU trying to get amendments made to the Swepi/Shell leases they bought in Guernsey co. They don't like the lease wording,the % for royalties,the limit on unit acreage, So if you had signed with Shell's deal in2012/13 be prepared for their attempt to change the lease specifications. And guess what; the changes they want to make, will not be good for the landowner. In one incident,trickery was being used to get a signature!See a good O&G attorney.

Thanks for the info.... My lease is (was) with Shell... I have yet to be contacted... My acreage is in wills township.... I haven't heard if I'm even in a drilling unit yet...... But someone else in my signing group told me about the amendments.... we signed in oct. '11'. My bonus was finally paid in April '12' I understood the lease was landowner friendly and was the reason we signed.. Maybe it was too L.O.F. Shell didn't care because they planned on flipping it all along and let the buyer deal with the land owners and the lease.... Right? Well, I for one will not a sign an amendment.   

Any news about an old rumor I heard before the drilling started that property on Eldon Road near Quaker City was going to be purchased and the road widened for access?

American Energy Partners have a huge ad in the Daily Jeff taking appl. for people wanting to go to work. They will be building their regional offices here and say they will soon have 20 rigs here drilling away! Local Realtors say you soon may see people living out of their cars. Even with the new motels, there will still be a shortage of housing. Anyone with $$$ to invest, now would be the time to start building homes& apartments buildings. Even if they are only rented out initially, they would be paid for by the time the boom if over. We are still in the first inning of the ballgame. the players/lineups have been set, the national anthem has been sung. TIME TO PLAY BALL!

I hope the unique lifestyle of the Guernsey Co. is not lost in all this gas boom as that would be a shame.

I hope all this happens faster... I heard that some of these land men are trying to talk down the boom to get some of us to sell our royalties,,,,, saying that we may never get drilled on and it's not as good as anticipated. Pipe lines have to be constructed to move the "Product" or no one will paid. Some land owners are giving pipe line out fits a hard time... Getting greedy.....  We'll see what happens this summer..... Right?


I would recommend going on and reading about the "haynesville greed." Apparently many people were left out in the cold even in the very best areas. People held out for too much money and the bottom fell out of gas market leaving them with nothing. This is the oil business even in best areas definitely not a slam dunk.

If the bottom could fall out, and wells may never get drilled, then why,tell me why, would all these investors would want to buy all our mineral rights???And why,tell me why, would all these mid-stream/pipeline/compressor/processing companies be spending billions here?  There are pessimists everywhere. They usually aren't the investing type,and never get rich.Do nothing ,scare-d- cat type.

You have a good point Bo.... I was thinkin that way myself... I think these people who want to buy us out are starting all these rumors to get people  discouraged and take advantage of the ones that are desparate for things to happen... I'm gonna wait and see what happens.... I think most of them are full of S---t.. Right?


Bo Your comments are always consistent. You think because there is money being invested that the bottom can't fall out?? Give me a break. Tell that to the real estate investors who invested millions and lost millions because the bottom fell out in 2008. Wake up man.


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