Some true,some hearsay...Aubrey is looking for a site to build his regional office with a Cambridge address.  Aep Utica is looking to drill a well behind the General store in Old Washington,early feb.   .AEP is drilling now in Harrison co. Rice will be moving their big rig from Belmont co. to daddy Shugerts well in Old Washington,soon. Bluegrass Pipeline coming thru the county this year. Compressor  station for Antero's well below Senecaville is ready to fire up any day.  Gulfport is sending rigs to Guernsey soon. EQT is wanting to drill 21 new wells in Guernsey this year. Carrizo has 2 pads built,ready to roll. Cheasapeake,all of a  sudden,likes Guernsey,better than Carroll. The company wanting to build an apartment complex at the I-77/Rt.22 site has agreed to help finance a sewer plant needed at that site& Coventry Estates. Motel to be built across from Pilot on the hill almost ready to roll. Some landowners near Quaker City are getting offers of $13,400. per acre to sell their Mineral rights.  Any other tidbits are welcome. You hear things from credible sources that may not even be true,but you be the judge.

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My lease was an eight year with a bonus to be paid annually, each year for eight years. The first three years were paid consecutively in January of the first 3 years. So, I received 3 checks. one each in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Interesting, mine is an 8 year lease with bonus paid annually year 1-4 and supposedly guaranteed.  I wonder if they can cancel the lease before year 4 and weasel out of payment #4.

i don't know without looking at the lease language. I had a 3 year guarantee but I think that mine only meant that I would still get 3 years of bonus money even if they drilled in one of the first 3 years.

pretty sure that's the way mine reads for the 1-4 payments.  I sent Bill Williams at K W G & D an e mail he drew up the lease 

Is your property in Oxford Township?

Millwood Twp, Rob.

From the Guernsey County Recorder's Office


I just got off the phone with KWGD who worked my lease with Eclipse/Montage.  Eclipse/Montage let mine expire after the 3 year guarantee (without notice).   Anyway,  has anyone been contacted by Ascent or any other firm who is looking to pick up the Eclipse/Montage expired leases? 

To Adam:

Same thing happened to me - Winterset/Guernsey County. Eclipse/Montage let mine expire after the 3 year guarantee as well. I happened to contact Eclipse/Montage last week March 5, 2020 and they emailed me back  that they were indeed terminating the contact after the three guarantee.

Here is what I found out: 

  1. We are opting not to make any more delay rental payments. Per the lease that he signed, you are correct only the first 3 payments were guaranteed. Years 2017,  2018 and 2019 
  2. Yes, we are allowing the lease to terminate. 
  3. I do not believe there is anything in the lease requiring us to give notice that we are allowing it to terminate. Per the paragraph in the addendum to the lease titled Recordable Release, “….upon written request, Lessee shall provide Lessor with an appropriate release or discharge suitable in form for recording….” If you would like us to file a release, please let me know, and I will send a copy of the recorded release to you as soon as we get it back from Guernsey County.
  4. We are not producing in that area at this time. When the lease was taken, our planning team intended to develop the acreage held by the lease to the fullest of their ability. Unfortunately, our development interests and plans have shifted over time. Due to the decrease in prices in the market, management has significantly streamlined the areas we will be developing. Unfortunately, the area where his lease is located is not an area they are interested in developing at this time. By recording a release, if another company is interested in that area, then they will know that acreage is now available for leasing.

I have asked for them to file the release with Guernsey County so I can look elsewhere.

Does anyone have any information on who might be leasing the area in 2020? I take it that Adam and I are probably not the only ones who are free and clear to lease. By the way, some who think they might be under contract might no longer be under contract as I found out by inquiring.

Thanks for the post/info. Me ,and mine,neighbors have all gotten a release at the recorders office and in writing. If oil and gas prices ever again get up to where producers can drill and make a profit. we will surely be able to lease again. That doesn't look too promising for the near future. 

If the crackers ever come to fruition, there will hopefully be a resurgence in the wet gas plays. Guernsey is wet gas. I'm hoping for the best.

Jan, Very interesting. That would appear to explain a lot.


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